At FreedomWorks, we regularly receive inquiries about establishing a PCA/PMA for use of “plant medicines.”  We are specifically referring to psychoactive plant medicines, not the concoctions, tinctures, powders, formulas that have been made from plants throughout history by herbalists, Chinese medicine practitioners, and other such providers.

We believe Freedom starts with one’s state of being, mindset, vision, beliefs, and mission. Our work encourages members to stretch beyond perceived limitations, old structures, and the need to search for truth outside of themselves.

Freedom does include having free-will choice; however we also believe it necessarily means having access to all available information resources in order to make informed and discerning choices.  In that vein, we feel it is incumbent upon us to provide information regarding the use of plant medicine that seems to be lacking in the present day dialogues on this subject.

Many indigenous cultures have used plant medicine for ages

Currently, there’s a tendency to romanticize indigenous cultures and ignore some hard truths about them.  History shows that nearly every culture has engaged in the enslavement of their own people:  Africans enslaved Africans, Asians enslaved Asians, Europeans enslaved Europeans, Peruvians enslaved Peruvians, Native Americans not only enslaved other native tribes but were also genocidal, … enslavement shows up in just about every culture there is.  And many ancient cultures also practiced human sacrifice, child sacrifice, blood rituals, and even ripping out the heart of sacrifice victims; this includes the Incans, Mayans, Aztecs, Israelites, Hawaiians, Romans, Celtics, and Koreans. The largest mass child sacrifice site found was in Peru.  There is also evidence that psychoactive substances were a part of these rituals, especially in Peru.  In many of these cultures the most widespread use of plant medicine was done by the shamans and tribal leaders.  So the facts beg the question:  if plant medicine provided a gateway into spiritual truth and wisdom, why did the cultures that used plant medicine practice slavery and ritualistic sacrificial killing of children?

Many of these cultures were devastated and sometimes wiped out by colonialism, or died off due to other causes; so why didn’t the wisdom of the plant medicine help them avoid such fate?

Last but not least, the human collective consciousness is ever evolving and changing.  Understanding this leads to a question that one might consider in making a fully informed decision:  Just because a ritual or practice was appropriate for an ancient time and another culture, does that necessarily mean it is appropriate for this time and culture?  Are we supposed to go backwards in our evolution or move forward into a new Earth and create a new culture by looking inside of ourselves for truth and beauty rather than searching outside of ourselves?

The brain has receptors for psychoactive plants

Yes, the brain and other parts of the body have receptors that are triggered by these substances; otherwise they would have no effect on us.  The brain also has receptors for dopamine; we are supposed to be creating dopamine organically for life enhancing purposes, such as hard work, effort and accomplishing tasks.  Dopamine also can be triggered by sugar, alcohol, psychoactive drugs, video games, gambling, and likes and views generated by social media posts; this is why these behaviors can become easily addictive.  When you trigger dopamine unnaturally, it reduces the ability for the body to produce dopamine for its natural purposes, and this is what leads to the apathy experienced by many addicts, especially cannabis addicts.  Yes, the brain has receptors triggered by cannabis, but that’s because the body is supposed to produce these brain chemicals on its own for natural purposes.  The same can be said for any psychoactive substance; the human body has a reason for producing the brain chemicals that trigger receptors, life enhancing reasons, so it seems to make sense that by artificially triggering these receptors through the ingestion of foreign substances, the body is inhibited from producing these chemicals for their organic intended purpose.  And do these substances artificially limit the higher states of  consciousness one can attain when not using such substances?

Most of these substances are classified as alkaloids, and the research on this subject shows that alkaloids are produced by plants in order to prevent themselves and their seeds from being consumed.  This is an aspect of evolution, the survival of the fittest; the stronger the poison produced by a plant the more likely it will survive.

Beings encountered via plant medicine

There has been much discussion about the other worldly beings encountered during the use of plant medicine.  Some talk about the wisdom imparted, including these beings calling someone on their own internal shit and what they must correct or give up.  Many have been led to quit their addictions to very harmful substances such as alcohol, amphetamines and opiates.  We do not want to minimize these positive experiences; however, we have yet to hear anyone talk about one aspect of such encounters.

Keep in mind the ancient wisdom adage, “as above so below”, which means this 3D reality is a mirror image of multi-dimensional reality.  Our team has extensive experience researching the global geo-political and central banking systems.  The loss of freedoms we’ve experienced, especially since 1933, as well as the income taxation scheme and the operations of the financial and court systems, are based on the population unwittingly agreeing to the terms of hidden contracts.  When we apply for a social security number, driver license, marriage license, credit card or mortgage, when we register our child’s birth or sign a court appearance bond, we are agreeing to terms of a hidden contract that the vast majority of people are not aware of, always in exchange for a perceived benefit.

When considering the use of psychoactive plant medicines through the context of “as above so below”, are we unwittingly entering into a hidden contract with other worldly beings in exchange for perceived benefits, just like we unknowingly enter into hidden contracts with the 3D governing systems?  Even if one does not encounter such beings, what about the plants themselves?  Are these sentient entities, and if so, are we entering into hidden contracts with them by ingesting them?  Are the positive experiences with such beings in reality enticing bait on a hook?  And, if you have you ever seen images of Banisteriopsis caapi (the main ayahuasca plant), you will notice it is a parasitical entity that wraps around and lives off the life force of trees and other plants.

Pondering an assumption explored in the movie Inception, that an idea can be planted into someone’s mind in such a manner that the target believes the idea is his/hers alone, which furthers the goals of the force behind the planting…

That being said

Here is more information that corroborates these notions and helps us make an informed decision.

Holographic Kinetics (HK)

This is a healing system based on ancient aboriginal wisdom from Australia.  One of its tenets is that psychoactive plants are a form of a sentient entity, and by ingesting them we not only agree to terms of their hidden contract, we become possessed by parasitical astral entities that feed off of our energy and/or manipulate us into harmful behaviors.  This can also happen with addictive substances, such as alcohol, amphetamines and opiates.  HK methodology helps us rid ourselves of these parasitical entities; and it can also be used to heal traumas as well, whether experienced in this life or a previous life.  Our team members, as well as our friends and colleagues, have experienced powerful healing through these practitioners, some bordering on miraculous, such as healing anorexia, bulimia, and addictions in a single session.  For more information, we recommend watching the set of videos found here (watch them in order):

The bottom line of their teachings is that we all hold truth and wisdom inside of us, and when we resort to getting knowledge or other gifts from external sources we are giving our power and freedom away to these external sources.  This is also in alignment with…

Wisdom of and teachings of Rudolph Steiner

Rudolph Steiner broke from Theosophy and the work of Madame Blavatsky and created Anthroposophy.  He also created the Waldorf approach to education, biodynamic farming, and Eurythmy, and designed the Goetheanum.  In addition, one hundred years ago he predicted the trans-human movement as well as the use of vaccines to sever one’s connection to a spiritual life:

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.”

Steiner was adamant that the only valid knowledge is that obtained in full waking consciousness. Trance states, channeling, dreams, automatic writing, you name it, are not valid sources of knowledge; and by extension it seems safe to assume he would include psychoactive plant medicine in this list as well.

Steiner brought to light the information about the 8th sphere, which one might say is the actual real-life physical realm of hell or possibly purgatory.  He also taught that there are two “devils”; two impulses, two major beings that are engaged in tempting man away from a spiritual life seeking Christ consciousness; Lucifer and Ahriman.  They have their own minions which are sometimes referred to as 8th sphere beings.  One of the strategies employed in these efforts is the trans-human movement: this includes not only the melding of man with cybernetics, but also simple scientific materialism and living solely from the head, rather than a spiritual life engaging both the head and the heart.  Another strategy is false spiritualism, which plagues the new age movement of today: looking for salvation from external sources, such as imposter ascended masters, false gods, a false origin of man, a false religion, rituals that actually summon dark parasitic entities, false raptures, and DNA manipulation by aliens or angels.

Steiner taught that if one commits to a spiritual path, they will undoubtedly run across 8th sphere beings on this journey, it is inescapable.  The true test is what happens when we do come face to face with them.  We are not supposed to turn and run away, for there is a great advancement in our spiritual path by facing these beings, especially Ahriman himself.

There are many sources of information about Steiner for one to do their own due diligence with; one summary can be found here:

Vibrational frequencies of plant medicines

Our team has witnessed some of the work of Elena Bensonoff and Alejandro Ferradas, who created a process based on Quantum Physics utilizing advanced scalar wave technology to read vibrational frequencies and the human biofield.  In a series of interviews they explored the frequencies of opiates, plant medicine, pharmaceuticals and other substances.

The frequency range they use is on a scale of 0-1000 (1000 being the higher end), and the frequencies are related to Emotions.  The range of 5-25 represents frequencies of shame; 30 equates to guilt and 50 equates to apathy and manipulation. Many substances were analyzed; among them and their scores: Alcohol (10), cocaine (5), DMT (10), LSD (5), Cannabis (50), Ayahuasca (10), sugar (25), coffee (25), psilocybin mushrooms (50), and ecstasy (5).

One of the most heavily weaponized of these was ayahuasca, and their claim was that use of this substance resulted in one’s energy meridians and fields being hijacked by parasitic entities, resulting in soul fragmentation and false truths coming from one’s higher selves.

This video is no longer available for free from their website, and we haven’t had time to do a full analysis of their work.  However, if you want to examine this work in detail and perform your own due diligence, this information is available if you become a member; see

Legitimate Therapeutic Usage

“Psychiatrists, in general, are the only medical doctors who virtually never look at the organ they treat,” is a priceless quote by a doctor with a 30-year history of studying brain scans in order to treat and heal those with PTSD and other mental/emotional issues.  Based on his research and what brain scans show, he believes the only acceptable therapeutic use of psychoactive plant medicines (specifically mentioning marijuana, ketamine and psylocibin) is after all else has failed – it should only be a treatment of last resort.  This information can be found in What do brain scans reveal about the use of marijuana, caffeine, alcohol, food additives, and our brain health?

However, this doctor is only talking about medical interventions.  Our recommendation is to consider Holographic Kinetics (mentioned above); last I looked they only charge $200 per session.  You can email us at our support email address if you would like us to put you in touch with someone.  We make no commission on referrals.  If you would like to discuss this option in detail to know about it, schedule a private consultation.

Last but not least

Our team has many years of experience in the realm of the multi-dimensional world, and includes members who have never touched these substances as well as someone with a lot of experience with plant medicine.  We have encountered and witnessed the possession of people by dark entities through the use of plant medicine, as well as the effects of removing these possessions.  We are not alone in believing everyone has extraordinary innate abilities which do not require stimulation by plant medicine.

Another example of the idea of “as above so below”:  the financial system and our slavery to it is based on debt, borrowing from the future for access to something now that we haven’t earned yet.  Steiner cautioned about shortcuts, that if one tries to connect with beings from other realms before they have done the hard work to earn it, they will only connect with 8th sphere beings; they will only summon dark entities.

We do not presume to know what others are to do on their spiritual path.  We do believe that anyone making their own free-will choice should have access to as much information as possible in order to make an informed choice.  We invite you to at least ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the use of plant medicine a shortcut, is it a borrowing from the future for access to something now that we haven’t earned yet, which may result in encountering entities that do not have our best interests in mind? Are the positive experiences people report possibly just really good bait on a hook?
  • Are there hidden or implied multi-dimensional contracts involved with these substances, and if so, what are they?
  • Why was slavery and ritualistic human sacrifice common in the indigenous cultures whose leadership used psychoactive plant medicine?
  • As plant medicine journeys are not innate to you, and rely on something outside of yourself separate from your own wisdom, does this hinder or help you on a journey towards freedom?
  • Is going out of your body required to experience spirituality? Are psychoactive drugs about escape rather than empowerment?
  • Should we assume that the use of plant medicine that may have been useful for ancient cultures mean that it is beneficial for us in this time?
  • There are those who feel the vagus nerve is not original to humans but was installed to control our adrenals and responses. Is it possible that brain receptors triggered by psychoactive plants are not original to humans?  Is it possible that these plants were not native to Earth, but were planted and hybridized here by external forces as a control mechanism?
  • Do psychoactive plant medicines put one on the 8th sphere path (see Rudolph Steiner) rather than true ascension?
  • The recent mass psychosis regarding a fake pandemic is clearly a tool by globalists that want to control us and enslave us, and it is becoming more widely known that they are also engaged in sex trafficking, ritualistic sexual abuse and human sacrifice. How were they able to fool so many people on this planet?  Have they been able to create illusions through spell-casting, whether by black magic rituals, technology, or a combination of both?  If so, how long has this been going on?  Can the same be said regarding spiritual development, including the usage of plant medicine?

The FreedomWorks policy: The bottom line

Here are some of the foundational principles that FreedomWorks was built upon:

  • FreedomWorks is at peace with the World System and does not intentionally create conflict or controversy.
  • Freedom is far deeper than properly executed paperwork and forms.
  • Freedom starts with one’s state of being, mindset, vision, beliefs, and mission in life.
  • Our work encourages members to stretch beyond perceived limitations, old structures, and the need to search for truth outside of themselves.

In the current landscape, plant medicine of the psycho-active kind is a hot potato issue, a red flag that creates conflict.  Supreme Court rulings have not been favorable to this one area of religious freedom. We cannot guarantee any protections for the use of substances for which it is a federal crime to possess or distribute; we do not want to subject our Members to unnecessary harm such as incarceration, nor can we endanger our work and the protections provided to the rest of our members.  Additional steps are required to more fully protect against these issues which involves redefining your relationship with the World System.

Thus, due to the principles and practical reasons noted above, we have chosen that we cannot provide PMA/PCA services as a haven for those whose mission statements, websites, videos and podcasts indicate the services they provide include the therapeutic use of psychoactive substances.

Additional Resources