FreedomWorks Community Update 13

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

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Inside This Issue:

Doulas, Doulas Everywhere…

Dedicated to the doulas and midwives in our midst.

“…my chickens live amongst my cows until my feathered girls head to their coop to sleep… Fanci was due to deliver, so I’d been checking on her every few hours during the night for several nights (calf watch). She had the coolest of birthing rooms — clean straw, a night light, food, water, and me, her birth attendant. I was missing a chicken during their nightly shut-up at dusk… Fanci was close to delivery, so I stayed with her until 3 am… And so did her little feathered friend. I took blurry night photos with my cell phone as proof because not only was Fanci’s birth wonderful, her chicken doula was extraordinary. Fanci’s wee friend slept on and off through the night against her back, cooing occasionally when Fanci became uncomfortable and eventually moving in closer when her contractions picked up. She never once startled or tried to leave.”

“…my girls are teaching me that symbiotic relationships are what you make of them. Rather than give-and-take, it’s I’ll give, you give.” From MaryJane Butters in MaryJane’s Farm Magazine June-July 2016.

And, Mary Jane’s story is not an exception. In the following article we see…

Humans Aren’t The Only Ones To Use A Midwife During Birth, Other Animals Do Too

I am reminded of Community and how it can include all of what surrounds us. And, that midwives and doulas and the services they perform to support all aspects of birth occur throughout the natural realm without laws, rules, licenses, certifications.

Heartfelt thanks to you.


Vaccine Treatment Protocol

In a discussion with Roman Balmakov of Epoch Times Facts Matter show, Dr. Robert Malone (physician, biochemist, and vaccine scientist) talks about the dangers of the spike protein in the vax and how to detoxify from it. He traces the missteps taken to create the vax, the false assumptions, the failure to follow the data, and the lack of testing not grounded in scientific principles.

Dr. Malone further points out that the CDC has been withholding information from the public and has actively denied potential risks. He sees the CDC as an agency that has been weaponized via a series of conflicts of interest including being both the approval agency as well as the promoter/marketing agents of the vaccines and drugs.

Finally, Dr. Malone references the FLCCC (frontline doctors) Recovery Protocol he has personally used with great success to detoxify and deal with his personal vaccine damage from the Moderna jab. Some of the presenting issues included hypertension, elevated heart rate, and tinnitus.

FLCCC Recovery Protocol from the FLCCC site

Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2

Of course, any such treatment should be done with under a doctor’s supervision.

If you happen to be subscribed to Epoch Times, or give them your email address, you can watch Malone’s talk here.

As Above, So Below – Zero Degrees = New Considerations

Jupiter’s weightiness and its expansive quality @ 0 degrees of Taurus Squares Pluto @ 0 degrees of Aquarius (freedom) and is applying pressure on us to consider what we are going to do in this new (0 degree) world (Taurus) freed from the constraints of Capricorn and its symbolism of structure, old established paradigms, and centralized top-down power. Mars at 0 degrees of Leo suggests courageous new leadership but this is not only rulers of state, it could be personal leadership, how will you guide, how will you be a servant leader? This is about what’s essential and really matters, not about overthinking. Taking action is not key at this moment; it’s about stopping and assessing.

This is New Soul Territory (Pluto spends about 27 years in a sign) and Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius for about 250 years… Revolution; new Galactic codes are available to us to create and express our energies in the world. And, as discussed last week, a planet at 0 degrees of a sign represents a choice point. This may feel new and risky. Again, tap into your center and tune into your personal nervous system with the Heart Breath. Our Souls are moving us forward; let’s stay conscious and present during this process.

As Jupiter progresses to other degrees, one might experience a bit of relief or release from the tension of the exact square.

The Sun and Moon move into Gemini 5/21 thus further lessening the emphasis of fixed Taurus and opening up communication, choices, and adaptability. We might notice the pace picking up as well since Gemini is an Air sign.

Free is not Freedom

Meet Ron Finley, the “gangsta gardener,” another human living in heroic probability, delivering a powerful message of freedom. He holds dig-ins, not sit-ins. If you want to talk with him or interview him, he requires you bring your shovel. He sees growing food, particularly in unused public spaces like those around sidewalks, as a revolutionary act of freedom. Even though the veggies and fruits that flourish are free to the neighborhood inhabitants, it is the production of the food that leads to freedom. His Mission is compelling, his strategies are clear, simple, and compassionate.

Listen to his Ted Talk here.

Hear what he’s up to now: A Chat with Ron Finley – How Gardening Can Set Us Free!

Free/Into the Mystic

While in college, I played guitar and sang harmony in accompaniment to my boyfriend’s incredible claw hammer banjo at Banjo Fiddle contests (he often took 1st place) throughout California. This was a new genre of music for me—bluegrass was in the spotlight due to the Dueling Banjos featured in the movie Deliverance; but there was also a new blend of folk, country, and blues that transformed what I knew as “twangy” country into sounds with more depth and flow. I wasn’t familiar with the major names in this new segment of music. It was just a thrill to join them on stage for impromptu vocal harmony. I was particularly awed with the fiddle (violins were what I had always known), and from the first string plucks imitating a train’s whistle, “Orange Blossom Special” became one of my all-time favorite tunes…it never fails to energize my spirit. This version features 5 fiddlers each with their own style, even one is a “lefty.” I dare you not to tap your foot.

Right now, I’m particularly enamored with this combo by Zac Brown and his band. I mean, who can resist a performance that starts out with the fiddle opening of “Free” (written by Brown) and gently segues to “Into the Mystic” (Van Morrison) before leaning back into “Free.” Seems so apt for what we’re doing. Listen Here


Never Pay Taxes Again!

Despite what anyone thinks about the nature of “taxes,” should you ever hear anyone mention that a PMA or some other simple freedom process can forever free you from “paying taxes” and that all you need to do is print out a few documents or file some magical form…our best advice is to run.

Human nature is such that SIMPLE SELLS. Easy is popular. And quick is the most attractive of all.

Based on our decades of experience on this journey to freedom, simple, easy and quick are not words that we would use to describe it. If it were any of these things, we’d all be “free” by now.

There ARE powerful solutions available to those who are serious about pursuing freedom, but they all come at a price.

Sometimes that price is paid time. Other times it is paid in money. Other times it is paid in the form of acquiring a level of education and understanding that few possess.

But beware the one who is offering the silver bullet, the only thing you’ll ever need, the quick fix to what is really a very complicated problem.

If it sounds too good to be true, chances are, you need to ask a lot more questions.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team