FreedomWorks Community Update 8

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As April is National Gardening Month, the New Moon represents “seeding”, and we celebrate Earth Day, we’re giving a nod to Nature and the planet in this Update.

Inside This Issue:

The Peace of Wild Things By Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things…
I rest in the grace of the world, and am Free. (emphasis added)

Booking It – The Nature Principle

(From Iona…)

I’m a voracious reader 85% of which is print–books, mags, news, reports, studies; you know, those written words you can actually hold in your hands with ink-printed pages that can’t be hacked and changed; that you can mark up or hold dear; that don’t need an electric plug. Did you know that when we read books from paper as opposed to a screen of electronic pulses, new neural pathways open in the brain? Who doesn’t want more of that?

The Nature Principle (Reconnecting w/Life in a Virtual Age) by Richard Louv has been hidden on the bookshelf until it literally fell on my feet as I was dusting. As many of you envisioned a connection with Nature, Earth, and community and included Mission statements addressing these areas, I started reading with avid interest.

From singing to Kodiak bears, to accelerated recoveries in hospitals where patients have views of the outdoors, bird song identification opening additional senses such as “mindsight”, heightened awareness, greater ability to discern, more compassion, reduction in ADD, Vitamin N (for Nature) is the antidote to the high tech that actually affects our ability to think clearly, pay attention, and react creatively. Children who spend less time outdoors are now developing myopia (near-sightedness).

Essentially, sensitivity to nature is critical to our physical and spiritual survival. Gardening in schools has led to improved attitude, more teamwork. Kindergarten students who spend time in the outdoors experience greater creativity. Einstein walked daily in nature to heighten his thinking capacity. A discussion of communities includes humans and nature as members and designers…” a celebration of kinship.”

I urge you to check out this book. It will validate your Vision Statements, provide strategies for your Mssion Statements, and reaffirm your Beliefs.

The Nature Principle by Richard Louv, Algonquin Books (part of Workman) 9781616201418

Diving Seabird Population Study

Some unfortunate negative consequences to wildlife from alternative energy facilities. We can’t achieve balance at the expense of any member of our Earth community.

Diving Seabird Populations Decline 94 Percent Near Offshore Wind Farms: Study

As Above, So Below: Lyrids and Eclipses, and New Moon Oh My…

On April 19th at 9:12 pm Pacific/April 20th @12:12 am Eastern, during the second New Moon in Aries (1st Aries New Moon was at the Equinox), a Solar Eclipse will occur. Whereas the energies from eclipses usually resonate for the following 6 months, this one will be felt well into 2024 due to the transit of Pluto as it retrogrades and re-activates aspects of the eclipse.

This Solar Eclipse is very rare as it is considered “hybrid” and only occurs a few times in a century. Depending on timing and location, some will experience an annular whereby the moon appears to be surrounded by a ring of fire; others will see a total blackout. Unfortunately, the Northern Hemisphere will not be able to view this phenomenon.

Don’t despair about not seeing the Solar Eclipse. The cosmic effects will still occur for everyone as solar eclipses represent evolutionary jumps and new potentials. However, geographical areas where the path of the eclipse falls (Australia, Timor, E. Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea for the total eclipse; SE Asia, Indian Ocean, Philippines, New Zealand, Antarctica for the partial) tend to come into prominence in the following months.

The second New Moon in Aries is also rare. Supported by the Sun, Eris, Jupiter, and Chiron, it is incredibly dynamic in its initiatory energy for planting new seeds (another connection to Earth, gardening, the future) and intentions that will be brought forward as the Moon then moves into Taurus.

And, there’s another event that will woo you – The Lyrids Meteor showers peaking 4/21 – 4/23. Appearing to emanate from the Constellation Lyra (the harp) known best for Vega, its brightest star, 10-15 meteors per hour can best be seen in the Northeastern sky between midnight and dawn.

Finally, Mercury (media, communication) in Taurus (Earth) is tightly conjoined with Uranus (freedom) setting the stage for shocking (Uranus) news and revelations (Mercury). And then Mercury will retrograde until 5/14. (More about retrogrades in the next update.)

During this period of heightened energy it’s a good time to ground oneself, perhaps in the garden, on a walk, or hugging a tree. See the next article on Earthing.

Earth Powered Healing with “Earthing”

Besides the benefits of connecting with Nature through your focus, attention and intention, there is also much to gain by the simple act of physically connecting with the Earth, such as walking barefoot in the grass. This concept has been come to be known as Earthing, which is nothing more than electrically grounding yourself. Since Clint Ober discovered this concept over a decade ago, Earthing has undergone much scientific scrutiny, and research indicates the following are consistent benefits:

  • Eases inflammation and improves inflammation-related disorders
  • Improved sleep
  • Decrease of chronic pain
  • Increase of energy levels
  • Normalization of the body’s biological rhythms
  • Improves blood pressure and flow
  • Relieves headaches and muscle tension
  • Accelerates recovery and healing
  • Reduces jetlag
  • Lessens menstrual and hormonal symptoms

Ancient cultures have long employed this phenomenon for healing purposes, for example, by having people lie down in pits dug into the ground.

Any electrical outlet in your house that accepts 3 pronged plugs can be used to ground yourself; you can buy floor mats, mattress sheets, and wrist bands that simply plug into an outlet’s ground connection (the roundish one).

The Earthing Movie documents the science and research behind grounding and covers the story of how Clint Ober discovered this concept.

There are also several articles which provide deeper dives into the science and benefits of grounding that can be found on the Earthing Resources page.

Wise Words From John Muir

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

MAMA – By Sam Garrett & Mollie Mendoza

“This is a song of reverence for our Mother, our Home, our Earth. Our prayer is that this song will inspire a deeper connection to walk with humility and respect for this great life that we have been gifted and are a part of.”

Watch the video…


The FreedomWorks Team