FreedomWorks Community Update 12

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

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Inside This Issue:

And Another One Bites the Dust

Actually, after the dust clears there will be two more health-related fallacies pushed by medical mafia that will have bitten the dust, as we dive into understanding the effects of seed oils on the human body. Dr. Chris Knobbe debunks the marketing ploy claim that seed oils are somehow good for our health as he covers in detail the science, history and effects of seed oils on the health of humanity in his video entitled Rethink Seed Oils, Carcinogenic & Will Rapidly Cause Your Health to Decline. This provided many sobering details I had not run across yet in my forays into this topic.

When I (Stephen) watched Dr. Stan Ekberg’s video Cooking Oils… The Good, Bad & Toxic, I learned: the difference between saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids; that contrary to popular belief saturated fats are good for us; what happens to these fats when they are heated; and consequently why there may be a good reason to cook only with a limited set of sources of oil.

As Above, So Below – Grand Square

First, Mercury puts on the brakes known as stationing direct in its retrograde journey (5/14) and will then resume its march forward through Taurus. On the journey, it will conjoin with Uranus and the Sun.

Next, Jupiter enters Taurus (5/16) where it takes the creativity and ideas initiated and seeded while in Aries and works to make these real (Taurus). Jupiter amplifies the Taurus signatures of self-value and self-worth. Further, Jupiter’s entry heralds more New Earth consciousness. Strategy development is the perfect activity now. This is not about taking immediate action but about planning, assessing, setting goals, timelines and writing these down (Mercury).

Squares are formed by the planets when the distance between them is 90 degrees; oppositions occur at 180 degrees. And, in both of these aspects, the planets are in houses of the same quality – cardinal/initiating, fixed/firm, or mutable/changing. A T-square is formed when two planets in opposition are also at a 90 degree angle to a third planet. Add a fourth planet opposing the third and a complete square known as a Grand Square is formed. If lines are drawn diagonally across the Grand Square, a Grand Cross appears whose crossing point is Balance, Neutrality, Peace.

5/17-23 A rare Grand Square (because it involves the 0 degree or potential at each of its corners) is formed in the Fixed Signs by Jupiter (0 degree Taurus), Mars (0 degree Leo), South Node (2 degrees Scorpio), and Pluto (0 degree Aquarius). Squares are usually characterized by tension; in the fixed signs, add stubborn or stable, solid, grounded. (Note: as I write this, Crosby Stills Nash have started singing “Southern Cross”…synchronicity manifest.)

Finally, during this Grand Square/Cross period, the New Moon in Taurus (new moons are always conjoined with the Sun) occurs 5/19 at 11:53 am eastern. New Moons are associated with seeding new ideas, and how perfect that at this New Moon, seeds/ideas can be planted on Earth (Taurus) where physical manifestation occurs.

Bottom line – pull out your Mission Statements and use this time/energy to start creating Strategies, the “how” of your Mission, the goals, and the timelines. This is the time to move forward when the cosmos is providing extra support. Start by putting yourself in the middle of the Grand Square/Grand Cross – the intersection of intuition, creation, manifestation. This is where Earth below and Spirit above join within you. Jupiter, North Node, Mercury, Uranus, Sun and Moon are all within Taurus giving great emphasis and support to your work.

Give us this day…On earth as it is in heaven…

Looking for inspiration? Review the examples of Community discussed in last week’s FWCU and in this issue.

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” -Lao Tzu

When Answers Lead to Even More Questions

There’s a funny thing that happens when you embark on the journey to freedom. With each new question you get answered, 5 or 10 new questions often appear in its place.

At first, this can be completely overwhelming. Since we’ve been trained to define progress as fewer questions and more answers, the multiplying of questions can make it feel like you’re not getting anywhere.

The good news is that this is actually a sign of progress. Because where once you thought there was only one answer you needed, you now have expanded your awareness to understand just how much there still is to learn to achieve full understanding.

And that is the path to freedom. A never ending journey to increase your overall capacity for everything.

This is why our work with PMA Service members can easily extend to a full year.

It doesn’t take that long to create a PMA, but it can take that long to get your questions answered about operating one, managing one, being responsible for one, and to learn the most effective ways to use this tool to help your work to grow and flourish.

If you have questions about your specific situation and want to discuss them in relation to creating a PMA, feel free to schedule a consultation. If you’re ready to move forward, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 11

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

Community – Coming Together

A theme within many of your Vision and Mission statements is Community. There’s much to be said about the concept and even more about how we go about creating it.

Part 1: Clarity

“Community” has a multitude of meanings depending on the context and a wide variety of personal definitions.

What do YOU mean by Community? Is it defined geographically like a town or region and have physical boundaries? Does it exist online? Does it center on a philosophy or technique, perhaps a hobby or interest? Is it task-oriented? Is it intentional and involve living with others? Is it a place or structure? Is it inclusive of Nature? Does it develop out of an occupation or trade?

What’s the purpose of the Community? Are there goals associated? Does it solve a problem? Until you have established the definition and purpose, it’s difficult for potential members, or partners, or even resource providers to determine if the community is in alignment with them.


A Community based on the Technique known as Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping. (Note: you may want to share Tapping with your own members)

From Nick Ortner of the Tapping Solution: “A powerful new research paper on Tapping was just recently published in a highly esteemed scientific journal. This is the most comprehensive research paper on Tapping to be published to date, and it’s a BIG deal for the Tapping community!”

“The paper was published in Frontiers in Psychology – a top peer-reviewed journal in the field of psychology – and summarized the results from every single high-quality study on Tapping conducted so far. This systematic review paper shows that EFT Tapping is one of the most extensively researched methods in the entire field of psychology (with over 125 peer-reviewed studies and more than 300 total studies now published!). The authors conclude that Tapping is an effective treatment for a variety of psychological and physiological conditions that should be used in primary care settings, hospitals, and clinics.”

Living in an Intentional Community – Findhorn in northeastern Scotland, or on a Kibbutz in Israel. There might be a sharing of living quarters or housing around a square or center, perhaps a central kitchen with communal dining, work assignments, time spent on consciousness development or self-study, a vehicle pool, shared open space.

Task-oriented Community – often is defined by a certain goal or target, delineated timeframe, perhaps levels of confidentiality. Think: the teams cracking the codes in WWII or the Los Alamos projects building secret weapons. Both involved a communal living environment, labs, food and entertainment facilities.

Community built on Revival of Space/Structure — in Las Vegas, NM, 2 women began a crusade to bring life back to a near-empty downtown. They had a passion for books; the town no longer had a bookstore, or a place for children’s theatre or afternoon reading circles in the summer. So they purchased an empty store space and renovated it to house Tome on the Range, then a second-hand bookstore and coffee club (Second Tome Around). It was contagious…the hotel was remodeled, a natural foods store entered the scene and the town began birthing a renewed interest and pride in community. Stores sponsored parade floats, the high school marching band had new energy, and small town America was rejuvenated.

As to Nature and Community, Peter Forbes who worked for 18 years with the Trust for Public Land, argues that “A healthy, whole community begins with people in relationships to one another and to the land…we must focus on what the human heart needs and craves today and has through the ages—a relationship and connection to the larger, more meaningful diversity of life.” (from The Nature Principle).

Part 2 of Community in a future FWCU will discuss some Strategies for Community.

As Above, So Below – Community

During a Summit on Herbalism, an intriguing presentation by Sajah Popham introduced the topic of the synchronicities of astrology and plant medicine…the As Above, So Below concept. As described in this quote from another course, Alchemy and Herbalism – Part Two,

“The alchemists of old had a deep understanding of the interconnectivity of all things. That there is meaning in the patterns in nature, both celestially and terrestrially. The order of our solar system is seen to reflect the larger structure of everything in life. They observed the fundamental Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether, and how their interactions reveal an underlying pattern of creation that determines the qualities and characteristics of the whole and its parts. From the herbalists perspective, these “parts” are people and plants. Thus we want to learn to see how the pattern of the solar system (the planets), the pattern of the Elements, and their interactive forces— called the Three Philosophical Principles— influence and affect the human and botanical kingdoms.”

When considering “Community” as so many Members’ Mission Statements indicate a commitment to pursuing, Sajah’s ruminations seem to provide foundational knowledge worthy of a deep dive. Having taken several of the courses, I found Sajah’s work compelling, eye-opening, and filled with wisdom.

The Role of Astrology in Holistic Herbalism

Part Two of Sajah’s Alchemy and Herbalism (you can also watch Part 1 as well as many other discussions)


The Weakness of the Matrix

The weakness of the Matrix is clear:

The Matrix requires your participation.

For if you “leave,” it will collapse.

The work we do with the FreedomWorks PMA Service, where we help business people take their livelihood OUT of the Matrix, is one step on this journey.

Whether it’s refusing to be controlled by the State via licensure or having the audacity to choose what goes into your body, moving your business into a Private Membership Association is one option for those who choose to STOP POWERING THE VERY SYSTEM THAT WANTS TO CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE.

The Matrix requires your energy to continue. That’s because the Matrix produces nothing of value and only serves to direct and concentrate the power it is offered.

It does not create power, it co-opts it from others who offer it by their consent.

If you are tired of offering that power, then stop.

You were trained to believe that’s not possible.

Given the source of that training, it should come as no surprise that was a lie.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 10

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community. If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email. If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.

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“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.” -John Steinbeck

Inside This Issue:

Everything Has Changed and Nothing Has Changed

At first glance, the draconian control measures imposed by the Matrix Controllers in response to the “pandemic,” seem to be easing. At the moment, it feels like life has largely returned to some weird version of “normal.”

While this is the illusion we see on the surface, most of you reading this realize that nothing has changed. The same forces are at work, the same “invisible hand” is doing its best to control humanity and its future.

This is why FreedomWorks was created. To give those who value freedom a way to work OUTSIDE of the control of the Matrix.

For most currently operating businesses, transitioning to a Private Membership Association is a process, not an event.

Depending on the complexity of your current enterprise, extra planning is often required to deal with employees, commercial rental space if needed, insurance issues and other details.

Some PMA providers will offer you a few sheets of paper and send you on your way. We take a much more detailed and thorough approach to helping you through this transition into the private.

For prospective PMA Service members, we offer a complimentary 30 minute consultation to answer any questions about this process.

If your current business is more complicated and you want our help creating a strategy for a smooth transition, you can schedule additional one hour consultations here, prior to enrolling in the service.

As Above, So Below – Flippin’ Energy Lunacy

Generally, as the Moon moves through a sign (Aries, Taurus, etc), it begins the cycle as “new” which we observe as a blacked-out Moon, as if it is just being born, which is then followed by a “full” Moon in that same sign.

However, because there were two New Moons in Aries (the 2nd was at the 4/19 Solar Eclipse), the cycle has “flipped” meaning the first Taurus moon event is a Full Moon; it will be followed by the Taurus New Moon 5/19, thus a reset or reversal of the cycle to which we are usually accustomed. As the moon represents our emotions, we may experience a subtle difference in our feelings. This cycle will continue until June 2024 when it will flip again to the more normal new moon followed 15 days later by a full moon.

The important significance of this occurrence is that for the next year, the Full Moon will highlight characteristics related to the sign which it is in as well as the opposite sign; then we can set intentions during the following New Moon specifically based on the revelations of what previously were exposed by or discovered during the Full Moon. This makes our seeding or intention-setting process quite effective as we are empowered by the information revealed by the Full Moon and thus can better choose a focus.

On May 5th, the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse occurs. The gift of eclipses is that they occur in pairs – first the Solar when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun; then the Lunar Eclipse when Earth travels between the Sun and the Moon casting a shadow on the moon. (Note: once again, we will not be able to see this in the Northern Hemisphere.)

So, we’ve covered the astronomical events. Now let’s see how they play out on Earth. During this eclipse season, (1) Uranus changed degrees creating an added emphasis to its characteristics of geological disruption, sudden shocks particularly in political, financial, ag, food arenas, people feeling rebellious; (2) Mercury retrograde in Taurus is reconsidering these same issues and communicating through media; (3) The Sun is adding energy to both Uranus and Mercury; (4) The Moon is highlighting secrets about big money, debts, defaults, betrayal, toxicity on Earth and in our bodies (Scorpio). And what we have seen is multiple large earthquakes ranging from 6.6 to 7.3 sandwiching the 4/27 solar storm bringing disruption (Taurus). Two (Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino) major media voices (Mercury) parting from Fox News; the disclosure of China’s insertion into US city law enforcement as well as their vast purchases of US farmlands (Taurus); indepth media coverage of transgender (Scorpio) issues in underage children.

Those of you who still think this astrology stuff is woo-woo, or voodoo, or just plain bunk, here’s some additional information to help you in your discernment.

While we talk about the Moon shining light on us, the Moon is actually reflecting the Sun’s light and energy to us. The Moon doesn’t cause our emotions though we often notice our feelings more during certain Moon aspects. We can always choose the higher octaves of these such as love, peace, joy, gratitude.

The Signs of the Zodiac actually correlate with constellations (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.). We can’t see all of these simultaneously due to our spin and movement and the slight axial angle of our planet, but throughout the year, we do view them all as our planet progresses through the solar system.

The stars, planets, galaxies, and other bodies don’t control us, but we can choose to take advantage of the energies their positions in the sky beam to us. After all, we are part of the solar system community and naturally interact. As mentioned before, we choose how to play the music.

And that’s why this mixed astronomy/astrology segment is called “As Above, So Below.”

The Pfizer Revelations

The Food and Drug Administration requested that it be granted at least 75 years to issue the full ‘redacted’ clinical trials data that Pfizer-BioNTech submitted to get its original Emergency Use Authorization in December 2020. This amounts to 500 pages per month. A federal judge rebuked the FDA and ordered they release 55,000 pages per month.

The US taxpayer funded the development of the vaccines, Big Pharma raked in billions in profits which were not shared with the taxpayer, so why would Pfizer want to delay the release of its data until a vast majority of those vaccinated have passed away? More importantly, why was this delay being requested by the FDA? Whose interests are they supposed to serve, versus whose interests do they actually serve?

What is Pfizer and the FDA trying to hide? Naomi Wolf breaks down what has been discovered within the data provided by Pfizer so far, and provides thought provoking insights into the real world implications of what’s been discovered, in a stunning presentation at Hillsdale College.

You can also read a written summary of Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents.

These revelations are quite shocking indeed!

Healing Sound Bath

Recently, I found myself getting increasingly panicked while searching for a video promised to someone who was also under a time crunch. After confirming the link, the next video to appear was this crystal bowl music described as a “sound bath.” And sensing a cleanse was just what I needed, I began listening. Within a minute, I found I was feeling the vibrations internally throughout my core, limbs, hands, and feet, spine. I relaxed, let go of my previous frantic energy, deep sigh.

Though this video is 3.5 hours long (perhaps especially beneficial for someone lying in a bed, or desiring a deep meditation), I found that 10 minutes produced a profound change in my frequency. So, listen as long as you desire. Who knows what else is possible?

– Iona

America’s Fertility Crisis

As so many of our Members are involved in some area of childbirth, we are always attuned to information that highlights issues in this area so that you can be aware, educate your own members, act to prevent problems, participate in discussions to find solutions…essentially, fulfill your Missions.

“A landmark 2020 study of nearly 50,000 births in Minnesota was the first to establish a causal link between “forever chemicals” and higher rates of infertility, premature birth, and low birth weights.

“The city of Oakdale, which had PFAS water contamination, was used for analyzing the effect on fertility between 2001 and 2006. Women of childbearing age suffered reduced fertility rates of up to 25 percent during this time. Babies born during the study period were 36 percent more likely to be underweight and 45 percent likely to be born prematurely.”

Here is the full article in the Epoch Times.

And yet more information for those of you in this arena: Face masks may raise risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline due to build-up of carbon dioxide, study warns.

Climate Consensus

Last week we covered the concept of scientific “consensus” as it related to the rapidly crumbling mainstream COVID narrative. This week we take a dive into another alleged scientific consensus, one that has a broad impact on our daily lives and future. I must preface this by going on the record as a tree-hugger with concerns about how man can best interact with mother-nature. Not only have I literally hugged trees, I also have been known to talk to them. Do you want to know one of their favorite jokes? A redwood told me “Our bark is worse than our bite.”

We’ve been told that there is a scientific consensus that we are facing a climate emergency and it’s due to mankind’s impact on the Earth. In this short video an atmospheric physicist breaks down the three groups that are involved in climate science and explains the basis for claims of a consensus.

Over 31,000 scientists from business and academia, including Nobel laureates, have signed the Oregon Petition, which urges the US to reject the Kyoto protocols and other similar proposals and goes on to say “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

Over 1540 scientists from business and academia have signed a World Climate Declaration declaring There is No Climate Emergency. Have you ever read the Paris Accords? Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the inventor of email, has detailed how the Paris Accords are written to financially benefit members of the global elite, will do little to effect the temperature of the Earth, and gives special treatment to the worst polluters, China and India. A former president of Green Peace doesn’t buy the scientific consensus narrative. Watch as a NASA scientist also discusses how the ice core data does not support the consensus either.

Studies have shown that, contrary to the popular belief, rising levels of carbon dioxide is responsible for the greening of the EarthThanks to ‘Global Warming,’ We Actually Have More Trees, and Massive Coral Growth at the Great Barrier Reef Continues to Defy all the Fashionable Doomsday Climate PredictionsThis page details 50 years of failed predictions by the climate alarmists.

Extra credit: What do the two topics covered in our discussion of scientific consensus have in common? Correct answers will be rewarded with a free electronic copy of our newsletter!



The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 9

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community. If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email. If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.

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Inside This Issue:

Scientific “Consensus”

In the last couple of years we’ve been deluged by the admonition to “trust the science” – to trust the scientific “consensus” – especially regarding the main-stream narrative regarding COVID and the vaccinations. Neil DeGrasse Tyson recently made waves on primetime for the statements the celebrated astrophysicist made in a now viral interview regarding “consensus”. Del Bigtree, in a follow-up video, breaks down this discussion with Tyson and demonstrates why trusting the scientific consensus is not scientific.

Besides the many instances of scientific “consensus” being proven wrong that Bigtree points out in this video, let’s also remember the erroneous information experts once told us about Asbestos, DDT and tobacco. Plus, it’s easy to produce a fake consensus when you eliminate the voice of all those that disagree with the narrative, which has been shown to be the case through the release of the Twitter Files. The dissenting voices Bigtree mentions in his video, doctors on the front-lines curing COVID, talk about adverse reactions and deaths attributed to the vaccinations, mentions of the lab-leak theory, peer-reviewed studies on the ineffectiveness of masks, and anything else contradicting Anthony Fauci were censored by not only Twitter but also Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and several other social media outlets as well as the main-stream media (which is heavily sponsored by Pfizer). This censorship was directed by various agencies within the US government, including the FBI, CIA, DHS, ODNI, NIH, and DNC.

We were told the vaccines would prevent infection, which obviously turned out to be false. We were told the vaccines were important so an infected person would not transmit the infection to someone else, which Pfizer admitted was never tested for. We were also told the vaccines were safe for pregnant women; in a previous newsletter we linked to articles about the vaccines causing miscarriages, and this next item takes this even further.

Calcified Placentas

Interview with nurse midwife Ellen Jasmer by The Daily Clout founder Dr. Naomi Wolf. Hear about some of the findings of issues for the baby (ex: reduced size due to the constriction of the placenta) as well as the mother (ex: enlarged vaginal hematomas, excessive bleeding).

“Maternal deaths are up about 40% from pre-pandemic levels, according to a recent report, based on data from the National Vital Statistics System. This alarming rise in maternal mortality has been linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the situation only worsened when COVID-19 vaccinations were introduced.”

The Pride – A new model to revolutionize education

“Our adventure in learning is born from the desire to give families an educational alternative that’s rooted in freedom, sovereignty and a commitment to helping children become inspired, joyful, and thriving humans.” Find out more about this alternative approach to education.

A Win for Religious Freedom

Aaron Siri of ICAN as well as 2 persistent mothers pursue and win a Federal suit in Mississippi to recognize and establish a First Amendment religious exemption right for their children to attend school without one or more of the state’s mandated vaccines.

“This puts an end to 44 years of discrimination and harm to Mississippi families and is a crucial win that lays the groundwork for future challenges in the five other states that similarly allow medical but not religious exemptions to school mandated vaccines.”

As Above, So Below – Mercury Leads the Retrograde Parade

Before you start moaning and groaning and tearing your hair out in anticipation of technical and mechanical glitches, misunderstandings, and lost keys that might befall during Mercury’s retrograde, let’s take another look, get a new perspective, consider “what else is possible.” Take it from one of the 18% born with Retrograde Mercury, there are benefits though sometimes these come with a lot of expletives!

Generally, Mercury Retrogrades occur in the same element–either fire, earth, air, water– 3 times during a year. Lasting about 3 weeks of backwards movement, each retrograde (1) begins with the planet stopping (stationing retro), (2) then heading back over territory it just covered, (3) then stopping again (stationing direct), and (4) moving forward to the place or degree which marked the original station (in this case, 15 degrees of Taurus by June 1) where it continues its progress through the signs.

Some experience a sense of déjà vu, of having covered the same material or performed the same tasks recently. And that is the beauty of the retrograde—we get the opportunity to reflect, rethink, recognize, reconsider, redo, remember, rework, renew (are you getting the “re” aspect, here?) perhaps leading to a critical discovery or a different understanding. In other words, an opportunity to move from incomplete information or sometimes ignorance to knowledge or a critical discovery we missed on the first pass or consideration.

This year, Mercury retrograded in Capricorn (earth) in January, and now in Taurus (earth), then Virgo (earth) in mid-August. Next year, the retrogrades will occur in the fire signs (Sagitarius, Aries, Leo). During this current retrograde, Mercury (news, media, communication) will be conjunct Uranus (sudden change, freedom without compromise) in the sign of Taurus (financial systems, agriculture, geological occurrences). So hold on to your hats and be mindful and open to changes.

But Mercury is only the band marshal in this retrograde parade. On May 2nd, Pluto (might makes right, Power issues) which is currently in Aquarius (freedom, power to the people, new) at 0 degrees, will begin its backward steps into Capricorn (old, top-down structures, restrictions, control) to finalize the demolition of the old paradigm until January 2024. Then Saturn (structure, paternal, stability) will begin its retrograde mid-June in Pisces (vision, spirituality, higher consciousness; delusion, illusion) until the 4th of November. Jupiter retrogrades in September…and so it goes.

Remember, astrology is the sheet of music; we decide how it will be played.

PMAs and Your Relationship With Fear

Being controlled by fear is not freedom. So while freedom is an ideal that is almost universally attractive to every living being, the journey towards freedom is one that far fewer beings are willing to take.

Ultimately, freedom is an internal state which then becomes reflected in your outer reality.

It does not happen the other way around.

There are plenty of options for getting help creating a PMA that exist solely on the level of the physical.

If you have the right documents, if you’re citing the correct laws, if you have all of the supporting proof that you’re doing it “right,” that’s all you need…right?

Except that’s not what happens.

Because, for many, the fear will remain. And given enough time, that internal state will find new ways to express itself in the physical.

We have designed the FreedomWorks PMA Service to address the need for a much deeper level of transformation in a profound way.

Through the Visioning work that happens early in the PMA process, you will be given the opportunity and necessary support to align your Vision and actions with your highest truth. And to do it in a way where you can begin to shift, whatever it is that is your current internal state, into a fuller, clearer and more powerful expression of You.

What happens then? “Fear” is starved of the energy it needs to survive as your understanding of You and the Work you are here to do take center stage.

The questions to begin with are these:

  1. Do you want to move in the direction of freedom? Not just on paper, but within?
  2. Do you want to do your work in the world through a vehicle that is aligned with your internal Truth?

It doesn’t matter what your answers are to these questions. It only matters that you are honest with yourself about where you are at, right now, and what you want for yourself in the future. And that you take action in alignment with that truth.

What we provide at FreedomWorks is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who don’t want to be challenged and encouraged, and inspired and empowered to grow.

For the right individual, the FreedomWorks PMA is just one way to step into a new expression of your work and initiate a deep and powerful internal transformation at the very same time.

Freedom is worthy of the price it commands.

For each of us, that price is different and is “paid” in different ways.

The good news is that the potential to take this journey is something we all hold within. It is there, just waiting to be activated for the benefit of all.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 8

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community. If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email. If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.

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As April is National Gardening Month, the New Moon represents “seeding”, and we celebrate Earth Day, we’re giving a nod to Nature and the planet in this Update.

Inside This Issue:

The Peace of Wild Things By Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things…
I rest in the grace of the world, and am Free. (emphasis added)

Booking It – The Nature Principle

(From Iona…)

I’m a voracious reader 85% of which is print–books, mags, news, reports, studies; you know, those written words you can actually hold in your hands with ink-printed pages that can’t be hacked and changed; that you can mark up or hold dear; that don’t need an electric plug. Did you know that when we read books from paper as opposed to a screen of electronic pulses, new neural pathways open in the brain? Who doesn’t want more of that?

The Nature Principle (Reconnecting w/Life in a Virtual Age) by Richard Louv has been hidden on the bookshelf until it literally fell on my feet as I was dusting. As many of you envisioned a connection with Nature, Earth, and community and included Mission statements addressing these areas, I started reading with avid interest.

From singing to Kodiak bears, to accelerated recoveries in hospitals where patients have views of the outdoors, bird song identification opening additional senses such as “mindsight”, heightened awareness, greater ability to discern, more compassion, reduction in ADD, Vitamin N (for Nature) is the antidote to the high tech that actually affects our ability to think clearly, pay attention, and react creatively. Children who spend less time outdoors are now developing myopia (near-sightedness).

Essentially, sensitivity to nature is critical to our physical and spiritual survival. Gardening in schools has led to improved attitude, more teamwork. Kindergarten students who spend time in the outdoors experience greater creativity. Einstein walked daily in nature to heighten his thinking capacity. A discussion of communities includes humans and nature as members and designers…” a celebration of kinship.”

I urge you to check out this book. It will validate your Vision Statements, provide strategies for your Mssion Statements, and reaffirm your Beliefs.

The Nature Principle by Richard Louv, Algonquin Books (part of Workman) 9781616201418

Diving Seabird Population Study

Some unfortunate negative consequences to wildlife from alternative energy facilities. We can’t achieve balance at the expense of any member of our Earth community.

Diving Seabird Populations Decline 94 Percent Near Offshore Wind Farms: Study

As Above, So Below: Lyrids and Eclipses, and New Moon Oh My…

On April 19th at 9:12 pm Pacific/April 20th @12:12 am Eastern, during the second New Moon in Aries (1st Aries New Moon was at the Equinox), a Solar Eclipse will occur. Whereas the energies from eclipses usually resonate for the following 6 months, this one will be felt well into 2024 due to the transit of Pluto as it retrogrades and re-activates aspects of the eclipse.

This Solar Eclipse is very rare as it is considered “hybrid” and only occurs a few times in a century. Depending on timing and location, some will experience an annular whereby the moon appears to be surrounded by a ring of fire; others will see a total blackout. Unfortunately, the Northern Hemisphere will not be able to view this phenomenon.

Don’t despair about not seeing the Solar Eclipse. The cosmic effects will still occur for everyone as solar eclipses represent evolutionary jumps and new potentials. However, geographical areas where the path of the eclipse falls (Australia, Timor, E. Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea for the total eclipse; SE Asia, Indian Ocean, Philippines, New Zealand, Antarctica for the partial) tend to come into prominence in the following months.

The second New Moon in Aries is also rare. Supported by the Sun, Eris, Jupiter, and Chiron, it is incredibly dynamic in its initiatory energy for planting new seeds (another connection to Earth, gardening, the future) and intentions that will be brought forward as the Moon then moves into Taurus.

And, there’s another event that will woo you – The Lyrids Meteor showers peaking 4/21 – 4/23. Appearing to emanate from the Constellation Lyra (the harp) known best for Vega, its brightest star, 10-15 meteors per hour can best be seen in the Northeastern sky between midnight and dawn.

Finally, Mercury (media, communication) in Taurus (Earth) is tightly conjoined with Uranus (freedom) setting the stage for shocking (Uranus) news and revelations (Mercury). And then Mercury will retrograde until 5/14. (More about retrogrades in the next update.)

During this period of heightened energy it’s a good time to ground oneself, perhaps in the garden, on a walk, or hugging a tree. See the next article on Earthing.

Earth Powered Healing with “Earthing”

Besides the benefits of connecting with Nature through your focus, attention and intention, there is also much to gain by the simple act of physically connecting with the Earth, such as walking barefoot in the grass. This concept has been come to be known as Earthing, which is nothing more than electrically grounding yourself. Since Clint Ober discovered this concept over a decade ago, Earthing has undergone much scientific scrutiny, and research indicates the following are consistent benefits:

  • Eases inflammation and improves inflammation-related disorders
  • Improved sleep
  • Decrease of chronic pain
  • Increase of energy levels
  • Normalization of the body’s biological rhythms
  • Improves blood pressure and flow
  • Relieves headaches and muscle tension
  • Accelerates recovery and healing
  • Reduces jetlag
  • Lessens menstrual and hormonal symptoms

Ancient cultures have long employed this phenomenon for healing purposes, for example, by having people lie down in pits dug into the ground.

Any electrical outlet in your house that accepts 3 pronged plugs can be used to ground yourself; you can buy floor mats, mattress sheets, and wrist bands that simply plug into an outlet’s ground connection (the roundish one).

The Earthing Movie documents the science and research behind grounding and covers the story of how Clint Ober discovered this concept.

There are also several articles which provide deeper dives into the science and benefits of grounding that can be found on the Earthing Resources page.

Wise Words From John Muir

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

MAMA – By Sam Garrett & Mollie Mendoza

“This is a song of reverence for our Mother, our Home, our Earth. Our prayer is that this song will inspire a deeper connection to walk with humility and respect for this great life that we have been gifted and are a part of.”

Watch the video…


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 7

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

“Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else.” -MAYA ANGELOU

Inside This Issue:

As Above, So Below

Trines occur when planets occupy signs (Aries-Pisces) of the same element (fire, earth, air, water). At this time, Mars is presently in the sign of Cancer which is associated with a water element and Saturn is in Pisces, another water element. Trines are generally known as positions of support, perhaps ease, cooperation, collaboration. When a Grand Trine occurs, the third side of the tri-angle is secured. Such is the current formation when the South Node in Scorpio (water) is added to the mix. The water element can be emotional or intuitive; it can also indicate flooding. We can take advantage of this energetic alliance by rinsing off, cleaning our emotional bodies with intention but not analysis. A wonderful opportunity to “let go.” (Caution: Just don’t go overboard filling your tub with all that cleansing water energy.)

Also at this time, Venus is moving through the final degrees of Taurus (25 -29 degrees) which is associated with Pleiades. Astronomically, this is where the Pleiades collection of stars is located within the Taurus constellation. Venus is associated with the state of being of Love. Thus, we might feel the different frequencies of Love from the Pleiades at this time.

Venus, like Mercury, moves quickly. By 4/10, it will have entered the sign of Gemini and will trine Pluto in Aquarius. This alignment, which last occurred 250 years ago, is yet another indicator of Freedom rising underscored by a bit of love energy. Venus in Gemini sparks the throat chakra…time for heartfelt speeches?

Now for Something A Little Different (From Iona)

Inspired by a suggestion from a fellow FW member, Rebecca Bruhn, who wrote about the beauty of Jesus’ words in Aramaic, I discovered a version of The Lord’s Prayer that teaches the pronunciation of each stanza through song and then performs the full piece.

I was profoundly moved. I followed the string of memories flooding my consciousness. Born an Aries (think Easter season) to musical parents, singing The Lord’s Prayer was second nature. I did so with my father, then at YMCA summer camps (singing as a large cross formed by flashlights slowly became visible on the island behind us); then at weddings and memorial services.

During a 6-week visit to Israel, I stayed at Kibbutz Netzer Sereni and sang The Lord’s Prayer (surprisingly) at a Jewish wedding. In Jerusalem (YaRooShaLieUm), we experienced the confluence of Passover, Greek eastern orthodox, and western Easter. We visited the Church of Nazareth where, in a dark cellar, a monk had translated the Bible from Aramaic to Greek and Latin. Later we toured a museum where newly discovered texts in Aramaic were being displayed.

Persian New Year is March 21-31. Ramadan 2023 began March 22 (dates change yearly) and lasts for 30 days.

In 2023, Passover began at the Full Moon 4/5; Palm Sunday was 4/2; Good Friday 4/7; Easter 4/9 (and as I recall, it was during this time that Jesus instructed the Disciples to spread the Lord’s Prayer to the people). As an aside, 4/7 is the Buddha’s birthday.

At the conclusion of this exercise in following the threads, the realization dawned that singing increases the frequency, charges the air, uplifts the Soul; and, this has been part of my Mission.

What an opportunity in which we might all participate.

Red Meat Does Not Cause Cancer

Besides Dr. Huberman and Dr. Ekberg, there are two other doctors with YouTube channels which focus on providing science-based health related education that I found found to be invaluable. These too explain how the body and its processes work in a easy-to-digest manner and bust many diet and nutrition myths as well (red meat does not cause cancer). Freedom from the medical industry and AMA propaganda tastes sweet! See Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Eric Berg DC.

Heavy Metals in Spices & Herbs

Whether cooking or for other personal uses, or using for remedies and medicinal concoctions, we need to be mindful about sourcing spices and herbs. They are not all created equal. The term “organic” may be deceiving as not all countries abide by the same set of rules for producing “organic.” Even brands from stores such as Whole Foods (365) can be fraught with issues.

Trading locally from providers and growers who have run their products through a 3rd party verification is one means of insuring the herbs and spices are unadulterated.

Beware of Toxic Spices – Heavy Metals found in Major Brands

Telling People What They Want to Hear

One of the challenges we have at FreedomWorks when speaking with business owners considering creating a PMA is that we are not willing to characterize this journey as anything OTHER than what it is.

If successfully rearranging your business to do your work from within a PMA just involved printing out a few pages of paper as some are led to believe, this would be a very simple journey.

If completing a paint by number process without a deeper understanding of the principles at play was enough to offer the safety and protection we have all been conditioned to crave, then virtually everyone would have it.

If doing it “right” meant you would never face obstacles or challenges that required you to stand upon your truth, to defend your truth and to remain steadfast in your knowing, then the masses would be attracted to this path.

In our experience, that is far from the truth.

One of the biggest secrets to true freedom is that, in our current Matrix system, freedom is rarely convenient, simple, easy or cheap.

As these things are what the Matrix has conditioned people to want, going on this journey in the way we present it might seem like “a lot of work!”

It is our sincerest intention that each being searching for freedom may find it in the way that is right for them.

In general, however, if it sounds too good to be true, or too easy to be true, there’s a good chance it might just be so.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 6

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

Bank on This

Catherine Austin Fitts is a woman of substance. She is super-intelligent, gracious, courageous, and eager to educate. She believes in creating strong community, in developing local food sources, and is grounded by her convictions and belief in God. She has worked in government, been an entrepreneur, and publishes the Solari Report. Yes, she’s living her heroic probability.

No stranger to unearthing the truth, Catherine finds the good or unmasks the fraud. She was Assistant Secretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Bush Sr. Administration where she developed an accountability system for tracking monies. Later, she would discover “missing” funds in the department’s budget (about $4 trillion). She enlisted Dr. Mark Skidmore at Michigan State University to check the numbers; his research team validated the original amount plus additional monies for a total of $21 trillion; further investigation bumped that figure to $42 trillion.

During a recent discussion with HighWire’s Del Bigtree, Catherine provided context for understanding the current banking situation. “First you take out the small businesses (closures of last 3 years), then you take out the small banks.” Her knowledge of what initiated the bank run, her confirmation that bailouts lead to government control, her perspective that the French pension demonstrations are about broken promises and “taxation without representation,” and her explanation of how digital systems and currencies can be used to “turn your money off and on and even take away your kids,” weave a different picture than what we’re given by mainstream media.

But, as demonstrated through her publication The Solari Report, whose mission is actionable intelligence to live a free and inspired life, Catherine guides her team to focus on presenting an accurate explanation (30-50 pages) of a topic whether the food system, mind control, digital currencies, health as well as banking, the economy and many more.

Beyond the scary stuff, Catherine offers solutions including: (1) Cash Every day campaign, (2) Getting together with “wonderful banks that are well-governed” and ask how can we help them remain strong, and (3) Build “bottom-up wealth communities.”

As Above, So Below

“Millionaires don’t use astrologers. Billionaires do.”
-JP Morgan

The Libra Full Moon (4/5 @ 9:24 pm PT; 4/6 @ 12:24 am ET) is the 7th and final in a row of full moons all at 16 degrees of the sign in which they have appeared. This is considered a tipping point and the dawning of a new episode for humanity.

Full Moons are always opposite the Sun (currently @16 degrees of Aries), and thus now shines the spotlight on Aries themes of initiatory energy, courage, individuality, independence, new beginnings. The Libra Moon is about balance, fairness, law, harmony, cooperation, relationships and thus its glyph or symbol is the scales of justice. Consider putting love, joy, and peace on those scales. Meanwhile, Uranus in Taurus (revolution, freedom, banking/finance, ag/food) is supported by Mercury, Venus, the North Node (our collective future). There is hardly a clearer picture of why banking is collapsing (see the CA Fitts interview), people are rebelling, and issues with food persist.

There are now planets in each of the elements of fire (Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, Eris), earth (Uranus, Venus, Mercury, N Node), air (Moon, Pluto), and water (Saturn, Neptune, Mars, S Node) further creating foundational balance in our solar system.

Tools for Success – From “to do” to “Ta Da”

One of the easiest and most effective ways to move forward, get things completed, serve more people, and step out of overwhelm is to create a To Do list. But, by replacing the “o” in both words with an “a”, everything changes. I can see the smile, imagine the smirk, hear the “off her rocker” or “you’ve got to be kidding” comments. Many might argue, “I don’t need a list; it’s all in my head.” And as long as it’s in your head, the chances of it manifesting are slim; the likelihood of staying stuck or remaining in stasis is high.

As discussed in the Vision/Belief/Mission process, the very act of physically writing ideas on paper accesses and engages different parts of the brain, shifts perspective, and makes room for the brain to perform other tasks, be more creative, dream new ideas, respond to changes or emergencies. Having a list leads to being:

(1) more accountable, (2) more real about the tasks needed to reach a goal, 3) able to delegate, (4) able to focus and stay the course/on target.

Here is the magic. Say out loud “to do”. Can you hear how your voice drops perhaps followed by a heavy sigh over the daunting tasks before you? The frequency of overwhelm, dread, resignation, even “I don’t want to” weighs like an anchor. You are projecting into the future and not being in the present. Now, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of the hat, exclaim “Ta Da”. Can you feel the energetic uplift to excitement, the celebration of a feat completed, the confidence to tackle another job, and even a sense of victory in overcoming one’s own limitations?

Try this:

  1. At the top of a piece of ruled paper write “TA DA”
  2. Start a list of things to be done leaving a couple of lines between each item (tip: Keep personal goals such as laundry, clean the bathroom, etc. in a separate column or page. This declutters the mind but keeps your focus on the biz/mission.)
  3. As most people are visual, using a black or blue pen to write the list followed by a red pen to mark through the completed items stimulates the sense of satisfaction.
  4. Fill the blank lines between tasks with details needed to complete the overall task (the name/number to contact, what you want to say or address)
  5. Make notes in red as a task is tackled. Again, exudes feeling of completion.
  6. When task is fully completed, draw a red line through it and put a red check mark to the left
  7. Pronounce a victorious “TA DA” and feel the surge of energy and the rise in frequency to move to another task. (I also raise both arms in joy or draw an upraised fist to my body “Yes, TA DA!!!”

Nothing to lose, lots to gain!


Weekly Health Spotlight

Dr. Stan Ekberg is an Olympic decathlete who became a holistic doctor and provides science based education on a wide range of health topics in an easy-to-follow manner. His focus is on teaching people how the body really works, relating the science and data that is essential to mastering one’s own personal health decisions and lifestyle choices. He discusses how to prevent and reverse obesity, diabetes, dementia, fatty liver, toxic kidneys, thyroid issues, hair loss, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, as well as how to reduce stress, how to exercise, how to maximize brain health, and more. He debunks many commonly held beliefs and doctor recommendations, such as explaining why blaming heart attacks on cholesterol is like blaming a house fire on the fire-fighters who show up at the scene to save the day.

I was first drawn to his Dr. Ekberg’s YouTube Channel by a recommended video in which Ekberg explained why, contrary to expectations, walking was better for weight loss than running. I find that in each video I watch I learn something unexpected based on the contents of its title. Each video is less than 25 minutes, sometimes far less, making it easy to view during breaks in my workday.


Private Consultations Now Available

If there is one thing for sure on the journey to freedom, it’s that answering one question tends to create even more questions to answer.

When you’re first getting started, this can be frustrating. After a while, you realize it’s very, very normal.

Whether it’s a question about correcting your status, dealing with birth certificates or passports, dealing with debt, creating private entities including trusts or resolving a situation with public officers or three letter agencies, there are a lot of questions that require personal and private attention.

We’re making 60 minute Private Consultations available for people who want to draw on our years of experience navigating some of these very important areas.

If you have an issue you’d like to address, you can find all of the details about this offering here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 5

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

What the Cluck?

At FreedomWorks our Vision Statement references “transcending the old paradigm and stepping into heroic probability.” Joel Salatin is a living embodiment of this state of being.

Joel is a self-proclaimed “Christian, libertarian, environmentalist, capitalist, lunatic farmer” all of which are showcased through PolyFace Farm, his prolific writing (15 books), his talks at hundreds of events and on multitudes of podcasts. He is practical, inspirational, educational, thoughtful, respectful, inclusive, creative, positive, and generous of spirit. He considers the problems of today and speaks to the solutions.

Recently, Joel wrote an article that was picked up by The Epoch Times that addressed the chicken issue, particularly the mandated destruction of flocks. He provided a perspective demonstrating his superpower to pivot. (Those of you who’ve gone through the VBM process might remember discussing Mission Statements that allow for “the pivot”.) He sees something different from the standard narrative.

Why Are Chickens So Sick

Joel Salatin on Chick Flu and the Egg Shortage

And, Joel Salatin is a big proponent of PMA’s which he talks about in several of his presentations. Here is a brief mention from one of his speeches.

The Rogue Food Conference with co-founder John Moody showcases circumventive models to the standard food police requirements. It will be held this year May 12th and 13th at Polyface Farms in Swoope, Virgina.

Smart Soil Media interviewed Joel Salatin recently (link below). Salatin exemplified “what else is possible” by putting his beliefs and words into action. Two favorite quotes from this interview included (1) “Our lack of participation has enslaved us to someone else’s agenda”, and (2) “Let’s get with it, roll up our sleeves, and build a new world.”

How to participate your way to freedom by being lunatic farmer

When asked where he gets his energy to accomplish and give so much, Joel responded, “I love what I do. I’m energized by the possibilities and opportunities of today and tomorrow.”

As Above, So Below

Davyd Farrell is a quantum plant alchemist who collaborates with astrologer Pam Gregory prior to the equinoxes and solstices to reflect on how the planetary transits and earthly plant cycles complement one another. Recently they explored Pluto’s 248-year cycle (roughly 7 generations which corroborates the beliefs of many indigenous people who plan for 7 generations). Blood curses (perhaps injected material that messes with our blood?), hexes, and conjured contracts (is this what we’ve experienced in the last couple of years?) are said to last 7 generations. And a plant remedy to help break these in the immediate present is Nettle (aka stinging nettle) which can be steeped and used in teas or soup. It also comes in capsules for allergy relief and there are nettle tea concoctions available.

During a meditation, I was reminded that curses, hexes, and contracts often are based on threats i.e., “a curse on you if you don’t perform” or, “if you tell someone there will be negative consequences.”

I know I’m not alone in having experienced childhood sexual abuse. In my case, this was a ritual satanic event performed by neighbors (a nurse mother and her 17-year old son) two days after my 6th birthday (I’m an Aries). There were threats made if I spoke of this which further implied a contract I was making to insure the consequences did not occur. While I did not externally live my life as a perceived victim because I took steps to insure they did not physically touch me again (so they carried out their threat…on my dog), I nonetheless unconsciously internalized this situation.

As we are living during these extraordinary astrological events (Pluto into Aquarius=power to the people from the bottom up) the strong alignment of planets in Aries (warrior/courageous and initiatory energy) representing another new cycle (Mercury, Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, Manwe, Eris), might we empower ourselves and serve our members by clearing the decks of all the old curses, threats, contracts either knowingly or unknowingly engaged?

I’m toasting you with my cup of nettle tea. See you on the other side. To Freedom!!!


P.S. Pluto has now returned to the same position it was when America fought for its freedom (the Declaration of Independence) as did the French (culminating in the Storming of the Bastille) therein the tie to our current fight for freedom.

Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction

Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction. A “Dopamine Masterclass” from Dr. Andrew Huberman; this information that should be taught to everyone during their formative school years because of how powerful this chemical is in affecting one’s behavior, including motivation, focus, drive, as well as avoiding and combating addiction and depression.

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. His podcasts are science based discussions of a wide range health and well-being topics, including diet and nutrition, hormones, caffeine, alcohol, testosterone, exercise, sleep, meditation, and improving focus. As much as possible he links these subjects to mental health and preventing or reversing cognitive decline. All of his podcasts are available at this YouTube channel: Huberman Lab Library.

The Truth About the Marijuana Industry and the Terrifying Effects of High-Potency THC

The Truth About the Marijuana Industry and the Terrifying Effects of High-Potency THC. “Ten years ago the idea of physical addiction to cannabis was absolutely laughable. That people would be having psychotic episodes, and then psychotic breaks, just from THC? It was unfathomable.” However, according to Ben Cort, CEO of the Foundry Treatment Center and author of “Weed, Inc.: The Truth About the Pot Lobby, THC, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry”, who had been an advocate of decriminalization and legalization, the marijuana industry has become akin to Big Pharma and has resulted in “…30 cases of THC-induced psychosis for every amphetamine case.”

When in Doubt, Give

We came across this video and wanted to share it through the community as a simple reminder of the power of the human spirit to uplift others.

Despite whatever challenges we may face on our journey, giving to others is one powerful way to fill ourselves with the vibration of wholeness and share that with those in need.

Transacting “Business” Outside the Matrix

In Joel Salatin’s video mentioning PMAs, he highlights the use of the PMA for circumnavigating the “food police.”

Given his reach and the vigor with which he does his work, thanks to him and many others, the PMA concept is reaching into the lives of more and more business owners every day.

At FreedomWorks, we’ve taken the core premise of the PMA, an entity that is “private” in nature, and strengthened and solidified its foundation. We do that by placing it within an entire “Mission Society,” a structure which is afforded all of the same protections as any spiritual/religious society or church (as long as that spiritual society has not applied for any tax exempt status via permission of the State!)

This means that, while most people think the PMA is a new structure designed to run outside of the Matrix System, the FreedomWorks PMA and the Mission Societies within which they exist, are built using structures long accepted by the entire world system.

FreedomWorks PMAs are not about fighting the system, they are about building a parallel system, in service of a new Earth, one where the intention of good-natured beings can be expressed without interference.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 4

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.
Inside This Issue:

Banks Don’t Lend Money and They Don’t Take Deposits

Even if you majored in economics, it’s unlikely that an explanation of the banking system like the one below is anything that was presented in school.

Most people are under the impression that banks take deposits and lend money. The vast majority of people would say that’s “common sense.”

Except that seems not to be true. Listen to Richard Werner (trained at London School of Economics) reveal what banks actually do.

This may explain why it looks like the bank can do almost whatever it wants with “your” money!

Watch the video here.

(If you are currently receiving the modules of Status Correction 101, you will notice at timestamp 1:30 he mentions the word “securities,” which we discuss in some depth during that course.)

About Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) first gained attention by being an effective treatment for malaria. It destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals.

Now there’s been a study which has proven it also blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors. The medical establishment does not like non-prescription cures that someone can make at home, so 60 Minutes did a hit piece falsely claiming it was the same as ingesting bleach.

Kerri Rivera, a homeopathic doctor, has seen noteworthy success using it as a biomedical protocol to help autistic children regain normalcy in their lives. Stephen and several of his friends have all used it at one point for flu and other infections.

Here are some important links to continue the investigation:

As Above, So Below – Spring Equinox 2023

A major leap in humanity’s evolution is initiated by Monday’s Spring Equinox (3/20 at 5:24 pm ET), marked by the Sun’s entry in Aries. And it is followed within hours by the New Moon (new because it is conjoined with the Sun). These two are sharing Aries with Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter, Eris, and Manwe (Eris & Manwe are Kuiper Belt objects which became observable as we began opening to higher consciousness). The 0/1 degree points of any sign (Sun, Moon, Manwe in Aries at this time) represent new beginnings; it’s the creator degree, but even more so in Aries as it marks the New Year/new cycle. This is courageous warrior energy and with the added emphasis of the other planets in Aries, this is not just initiatory for the next 30 days or 3 months or even the year, but of the Ages.

Light energy pulses—surges of X and M-class solar flares; photonic light as we move through the Photonic plane (happens every 12,000 years); and also electromagnetic instability which allows in more energy to upgrade our cells in massive waves.

Also, there is fresh energy from planets entering new signs: Pluto, Saturn, Sedna (Pluto in Aquarius=power and freedom to the people; Saturn in Pisces=structured water and boundaries; Sedna with an 11,400 year cycle moving into Gemini=transformation of mind, information, non-conformist, freedom; Manwe into Aries=the symbol for New Earth and operates outside of space & time).

Importance to you—if you’re working on your VBM (Vision/Belief/Mission Statements) in the FreedomWorks PMA Service, you can use the surge of energy to begin or to discover something new to add. Those who have completed the VBM process, now is a time to look at your Mission Statements and take steps to implement them (contact me if you want to work on Strategies). Those on the fence of making decisions (getting a PMA, writing a book, researching a new product or service…), take the leap now that there is so much energy to support you.

What’s In a Name?

We thought it might be illuminating to share the foundation of our mission society. Let’s unpack the FreedomWorks name. “Works” adds multiple meanings to the word that precedes it.

For example:

  • A Place or Location (as in a foundry)
  • A Collection (as in body of information)
  • A Piece, something that has been produced/crafted (as in artwork)
  • Everything (whole kit-and-kabootle; a pizza with the works)
  • Action, movement, Exclamation! of Results (it works/is successful)
  • A Toolbox (of solutions, resources…)

As we talk with each of you about naming your PMA, we offer guidelines one of which is to make up a name (ex: Kodak, Nike, Kleenex). While our name uses two existing words (albeit, when combined create a different word), by using “works” we change the focus. So,


–incorporates all 6 of the above meanings to infer (1) a place where one can learn and examine (2) a body of information which can be turned into (3) a service or product free from the encumbrances of rules and licenses, etc. (4) using the toolbox of solutions and resources, (5) provided by a PCA that offers “the works” to achieve one’s mission, (6) in a manner that successfully “WORKS”.

Further, we might consider Freedom as FREED OM. Looking at the multiple descriptions of Om including:

  • Soul or self within
  • Ultimate reality
  • Entirety of the Universe
  • Truth
  • Divine spirit and knowledge

Then placing “Freed” in front of each one of these descriptors referencing spiritual and higher consciousness, and finally incorporating the “Works” meanings and we essentially are connecting through the name, the physical and spiritual throughout all we do.

Please know that as members of FreedomWorks, this energy runs through your structure as well.

War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal

by Pfizer Documents Investigation Team (Author), Amy Kelly (Author), & 1 more Format: The Pfizer Reports book contains 50 reports written by the highly-credentialed War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project volunteers between March and December 2022.

The reports are based on information in the primary source Pfizer documents released under court order by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as on other key medical studies and literature that relate to Pfizer’s experimental gene therapy mRNA COVID vaccine.

These important documents have been ignored by the mainstream media; however, to date, no one has challenged the accuracy of what they report. Now, for the first time, the 2022 Pfizer Reports are available in book format.

From the book:

“As Pfizer tracked adverse events during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine rollout, 270 pregnant women reported a vaccine injury, but Pfizer only followed 32 of them and 28 of their babies died. This is a shocking 87.5% fetal death rate.”

PMA Puppy Mills

When we started FreedomWorks, we made a choice to work with members in a way that provides the education and support required to help them successfully manage and grow their PMA.

This is in stark contrast to some other providers we might affectionately refer to as “PMA Puppy Mills.” We’re all pointed in roughly the same direction, towards freedom, but your choices for how to take that journey are many. If you just want some documents, you want them cheap, and you already have the education and experience required to stand on those in the face of scrutiny from the Matrix, a “PMA Puppy Mill” might be the place to go.

But if you’re looking for a deeper relationship with an ongoing source of support and continued education focused on helping you DEFEND your work inside the PMA should that ever be required, then that is what we are committed to providing for our members.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

And Now, For Something Completely Different

The Gospel of John starts with”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Hindu Vedas concur with “In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the Word, and the Word is Brahman.” According to mystics from eastern and western cultures, sound creates matter. In the mythology of JRR Tolkien, creation began with music. A recent discovery has made me consider that Tolkien’s take on creation may be more precise than the others.

That recent discovery is a live recording of a piece of music that was written over 45 years ago. It moves me deeply inside, touching a place in my heart and soul in a way that words cannot describe adequately, yet I will try. I am aware of my frequency rising as the music reverberates with ancient memories while at the same time I hear the future calling to me. By the last few minutes I am brought to tears by its overwhelming majesty and beauty.

Actually, I realize the overwhelming majesty and beauty is inside of me and all of humanity as we re-awaken together into the remembering of who we all truly are, of which the music reminds me. I am grateful to all of you who are walking this path with me. I hope you enjoy this song of freedom as much as I do.


The song: “Awaken” – Jon Anderson and Todmobile with Orchestra and Choir

“Awaken” Lyrics


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 3

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.
Inside This Issue:

Update From FreedomWorks Member Dr. Angelika Schultz!

This update was sent to us from FreedomWorks Member Dr. Angelika Schultz about the release of her new book…

Dear FreedomWorks Community,

Greetings from Colorado, where – with the support of Iona, Jason, and Stephen – I am transitioning my craniosacral therapy practice into a PMA, learning a lot through this exciting path.

As fellow freedom lovers, I think you might enjoy my new book:

The Vaccination Game – Science, fiction, and open questions.

I believe it is informative for everyone confronted with the vaccine question. Parents trying to decide when or if to vaccinate their children will especially benefit from the material presented in this publication. Here is an example of what is covered:

  • different models of sickness and health
  • the role of electromagnetic fields for our well-being
  • the development of our immune system and why injecting
  • young babies might not be in their best interest

  • how inoculations are created
  • the known risks linked to some common ingredients
  • the controversy on autism
  • pilot studies that compare the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children
  • quality control performed by independent laboratories and the undeclared hazardous compounds they found in those injections
  • the Act 1986
  • the new technology used to manufacture COVID-19 shots
  • and so much more.

Flaws in medical studies are explained to clearly show what science knows about the matter, what is still guesswork at the moment, and what has never been evaluated. Since all statements of the book are backed up by research linked in the endnotes, you can easily check out the source material yourself, should you be interested in doing so. Those links provide a valuable reference library if you are in need to discuss your new insights with other doctors or interested friends and relatives.

Since I grew up in East Germany, I am pretty familiar with brainwashing propaganda, crowd control, and suppression. But the level of censorship going on since 2020 surprised even me. Research that was publicly available before has been deleted from the worldwide web, and doctors who explain medicine in scientific terminology not approved by matrix authorities got punished… While I enjoy writing, hunting down studies that disappeared faster than you can blink felt quite exhausting. Yet it is done! And hopefully this makes it easier for you to now have those hard to find documents at your fingertips. 🙂

Even though I am a medical doctor, I feel grateful that early on, I was drawn into the holistic world of the healing arts and energy medicine. While the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and embryology excites me, I love the overlap between science and the mystical field. I believe that healing is essentially self-healing, that my work as a therapist is to open doors for the people I work with where they can find their own truth, their own connection to spirit and their higher self, their personal approach of tuning into their cells, tissues, and organs so that they can discover a way back to the health they seek.

My favorite modality is craniosacral therapy. Within this field, I am especially passionate about supporting families in their preparation for pregnancy and birth as well as assisting babies and children to fully claim their physical bodies with ease and joy.

How I view medicine and healing seems very much aligned with the FreedomWorks principals where we co-create a field for our work and life that allows us to step out of the constrictions of the matrix into the freedom of sharing our gifts with the world in a way we see fit.

I never planned to write a book on vaccines. But the forces we have witnessed at play during the last 3 years – which, of course, were around for a very long time but got to a new level of intensity – inspired me to share my knowledge and understanding of this particular topic. The collective push toward a not well tested dangerous technology praised as a panacea and the abuse of medicine for political power games did not sit well with me. I am hoping that through explaining medical science for the non-medical community, more people will have access to knowledge that empowers them to make a truly informed decision regarding their involvement in the vaccination game. We are asked to take our health and the health of our families back into our own hands. And I believe that this books contains valuable information that enables you to do just that.

It is available through my Etsy Site at The Vaccination Game

Feel free to spread the word to the curious people in your life. Thank you!

With blessings and gratitude,

Dr. Angelika Schultz

Jesus’ Lost Teachings on Consciousness?

At FreedomWorks, we’re always on the search for information that could lead to a fuller understanding of the truth in any situation.

Here are two interesting videos highlighting documents some consider the “lost” teachings of Jesus.

We highlight them because of they specifically address the power of consciousness to create. This is text recovered from the Book of Thomas.

Here’s the first video…

And a fuller discussion here.

As Above, So Below

With 4 planets (Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Neptune) in Pisces, we shine (Sun) a light on and have an even greater opportunity to connect (Mercury) with our Soul’s essence (Neptune) that supports (Saturn) what we’re doing in the world (our Missions). Information (Mercury) may just flash in in the moment and just as quickly flash out (the water element), so being mindful (Mercury) and recording/organizing this info (Saturn) is how we can use these insights which might also be described as our intuition (Neptune).

3/11 marks a conjunction of Jupiter (expansiveness, justice, higher mind, truth) and Chiron (wounded healer) in Aries (action, warrior, new cycle). One could view that “wounding” is being emphasized; however, we could look at what has been healed, and will now be expanded, made new, and moved forward by Jupiter’s transit through Aries. Remember, astrology shows us the patterns; it does not have power over us. We (humanity) “provide the frequency and decide the level at which the music is played; we decide how the modeling clay is formed.” (Pam Gregory)

Resources For Health and Healing

With so much disclosure and the volumes of studies documenting issues with the jabs and boosters, many are expressing concerns and regret and wondering if there are treatments to remedy the inevitable adverse effects.

Stella Immanuel MD and her team have created two solutions: one is a spiritual detox and the other is a physical detox pack. In her interview with Mel K from January 2023 ( ) she provides more detail.

The organization provides tele-health consultations. When they found that the major pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS, etc.) would not fill prescriptions, they organized a network of small “mom & pop” pharmacists who DO fill prescriptions.

In addition, purchases of immune system products such as ivermectin, quercitin, zinc, vitamin c and many more can be purchased directly through the website and shipped to your door. (Use code MelK at checkout for a 5% discount.)

On her website one can find pre-recorded prayers plus a listing of live prayer sessions.

As mission-based societies, having solutions based in spirituality available to us and our members seem to be in alignment.

Permission Not Required

Permission from the Matrix or any other “authority” is not required for the journey to create a FreedomWorks Mission-Based PMA. That is why there is none requested.

You alone have the power to declare, “I am doing this because I choose to.”

Our work at FreedomWorks is not an act of defiance, or one designed to create conflict.

Our journey is one of peace.

And your decision to join us on that journey is an expression of your power as a living being and your understanding of the power of contract and jurisdiction to provide a path for doing your work outside of the confines of the Matrix prison.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.


The FreedomWorks Team