FreedomWorks Community Update 22

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

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Inside This Issue:

Before we get to this week’s topics, lest we be assumed to support or defend any particular political party or candidate, it is incumbent on us to clarify our stance. In my youth, I mostly identified as a democrat. There didn’t seem to be any choice really; it was really an indoctrination rather than a well thought out choice. I was told that liberals embraced change and conservatives didn’t want change. Republicans were the rich and corrupt, and the lower middle class and poor were the Democrats. As I grew up and became a little more astute, I realized these generalizations didn’t hold water and identified as an independent. Then when freedom became of utmost importance to me, I became a libertarian. Finally, now I consider myself a constitutionalist.

Our Constitution is what sets America apart from the rest of the world. The rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are God-given and cannot be taken away by the government. Other countries are not so fortunate, which is what allows France Spying on Its Citizens Through Their iPhonesAustralians could be detained or forced into treatment to prevent the spread of coronavirusEuropean rights court says forced child vaccinations ‘necessary in democratic society‘, Ukraine banning 11 opposition political parties and taking control over three privately owned television networks, and of course there are some countries with severe penalties for anyone insulting the heads of state. The authors of the Bill of Rights knew exactly what they were doing, because of what they lived through which lead to the Revolutionary War (such as attempts to have their guns confiscated and being arrested for speaking freely).

I’ve been a truth seeker since my teens. What I support and defend is the Constitution, freedom, and truth.

– Stephen

Whistleblower News

Former FBI Agent Confirms ‘Key Portions’ of Hunter Biden Whistleblower’s Testimony. A former FBI agent has bolstered allegations from an IRS whistleblower that investigators into Hunter Biden’s tax case faced unprecedented barriers, as mentioned in our newsletter of June 25. On Wednesday IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler, who describes himself as a “gay Democrat married to a man”, testified alongside his IRS supervisor Gary Shapley in front of Congress. During the testimony Ziegler said that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,” and claimed that text messages reviewed by investigators appeared to contradict the president’s claim that he was not involved in his son’s business dealings. “There was an environment when we were interviewing witnesses, where you were afraid to ask questions — questions that could lead to the [Biden] presidential campaign. And this is after the campaign was over…” Ziegler also said that by speaking out against Hunter Biden and his father, his career could be in jeopardy. “I am risking my career, my reputation, and my casework,” he proclaimed, “No one should be above the law, regardless of your political affiliation.”

Censorship News

YouTube removed EpochTV’s livestream of the aforementioned IRS Whistleblower hearing (which you can watch here), saying it found “something that may violate YouTube’s guidelines” and gave the channel a strike. YouTube also took down a video of Jordan Peterson interviewing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And, “In a paradoxical House session Thursday, worthy of an episode of ‘The Twilight Zone,’ House Democrats desperately tried to censor Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech at a meeting intended to address censorship and targeting concerns… due to Kennedy’s alleged ‘antisemitic and anti-Asian comments'” – all because RFK Jr. simply reported the results of an National Institute of Health study showing that susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection varied amongst different populations:

“COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact of that. We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we [the United States] are developing ethnic bioweapons.”

This same deplorable smear of RFK Jr. was seen throughout the mainstream media, including The Atlantic, CNN, The Daily Beast and New York Times. In his testimony, RFK Jr. stated “Debate — congenial, respectful debate is the fertilizer, it’s the water, it’s the sunlight for our democracy… Censorship is antithetical to our party… It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson… And above all, we need to elevate the Constitution of the United States, which was written for hard times, and that has to be the premier compass for all of our activities.”

The government working hand in hand with business to censor people’s speech is the very definition of fascism.

Fauci News

The Biden Administration finally announced on Monday it was suspending the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) access to government funding and proposed a longer-term ban after the lab could not provide sufficient documentation on its biosafety protocols and security measures. “Questions are being asked about why it has taken three years to pull the plug on US funding to the Chinese laboratory at the center of a Covid lab leak cover-up. Former President Donald Trump said as early as April 2020 that he had seen evidence the pandemic was borne out of dangerous experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), and a slew of damning reports, leaks and indirect evidence since then has led the FBI and at least one other Government agency to support the ‘lab leak theory’ publicly… There is also a sense that the Biden Administration and political establishment have been slow to come around to the idea of a lab leak because of Trump’s early endorsement of the hypothesis. Biden described Trump as ‘nakedly xenophobic’ for claiming the lab was the likely source of the pandemic in 2020.”

According to an email released on Tuesday by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Anthony Fauci knew that researchers at this laboratory were conducting risky experiments. “There was a suspicion that this mutation was intentionally inserted,” Dr. Fauci wrote. “The suspicion was heightened by the fact that scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine the molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan.”

“In this e-mail, Dr. Fauci admits that there was gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan before the pandemic emerged,” Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chairman of the subcommittee, said in a letter to U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra.

On Thursday, Rand Paul Criminally Referred Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function.

As Above, So Below – Hearts, Squares, and Yod

The Grand Square, and hence Grand Cross, that formed when the Nodal Axis changed signs to Aries/Libra (as discussed last week) is still in play through July 27th, after which one corner will dissolve but leave a T-square viable until 2024. As discussed in the 5/13 issue of FWCU, the center of a Grand Cross acts as an energetic portal in which we can sit, stand, be. Unlike the 5/13 Fixed Grand Square, this current aspect is Cardinal – potent, active, creative, forward-moving.

The open side of the Grand Square which occurs when the Sun moves to Leo 7/22, will filled by Mercury, then open again as Mercury eventually follows the Sun into Leo, leaving us with the T-square (the Nodes in Aries and Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn). To me, this is where we can really assert ourselves and fill the corner with our own presence. Even so, the point where the 3 sides intersect (at the top of the “T”) remains a critical, strong, and viable point of interconnection with the Cosmos.

Venus (planet of love as the state of being) in Leo (sign of the heart) stations retrograde 7/22 allowing for a lengthy sojourn as it heads back to 12 degrees before stationing direct (9/4) and then retreading the territory it has already traversed 2 times… a total of 40 days and 40 nights. This is an interesting time amount as it is referenced in the Bible multiple times: Noah and the ark, Moses and the Commandments, Jesus’s time in the wilderness following his baptism, the season of Advent. In more contemporary terms, this has been connected to completion of an event, or the reference to the time it takes to practice a habit or skill before it becomes real and present in our daily lives.


An aspect figure in which one planet (at this time = Venus in Leo) is linked by two quincunxes (150 degrees) to two planets (Pluto in Capricorn @29 degrees and Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees… both currently retrograde) which in turn are linked by a sextile (60 degrees), forming the flat base of the triangle.

The planet (Venus), linked by quincunx to the other two planets, is the focal point of the configuration. This aspect is referred to as a Yod or the “Finger of God” and essentially suggests “that which is otherworldly,” pointing to that which is imperative, important, an area on which to pay attention and work and to remember.

Venus’ previous retrograde was in Capricorn in late 2021-22. At that time, Pluto (the transformer) and Venus were conjunct. Now, Pluto is pointing at Venus and stimulating a remembrance of what was transformed at that time—perhaps financial situation, plans for serving the world, a sense of self-worth, a creative spark—what transformed her heart? And now the message is “Remember where you’re going, be in your heart’s truth, recall the lessons.” Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Soul Love, Spiritual Love, intuition, receptivity to love, love of self, the understanding that karmic relationships have been beautiful teachers. Both planets are communicating with Venus and focusing the energy of the Heart through recoding and reprogramming the very cells and consciousness of this love so we can rise above the immediacy of the old paradigm and expand into a Soul-full love of self and others.

Bottom line is we can intentionally practice being, giving, and receiving Love in a myriad of ways. We can strengthen our heart connection within and outward, become lion-hearted (Leo plus Venus) and courageous through love.

“You can’t stop the war in the world if you don’t stop the war in your heart.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Sound of Freedom Part 3

Why is there such a scarcity of celebrities (actors, musicians, sports figures) speaking up about this movie to raise awareness of the issue of child trafficking? What are they afraid of, or worse, involved with? I am not the only one wondering Why Hollywood (and Media) Elites Don’t Want ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Succeed. It should be noted this movie was conceived, written and shot before the mysterious Q ever started posting.

This week’s news was so chockfull of enlightening information I wasn’t able to address it all, including more on this thread which will be continued in the future. In the meantime, in the spirit of not just talking about problems we present: The U.S. Has a Human Trafficking Problem—And the Answer is You, the Daring Rescue Depicted in ‘Sound of Freedom’ Was All Thanks to the Border Wall, and the FBI’s list of Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences.


Notes from the Cosmos

Sound of Freedom premiered in movie theatres July 3rd which was the Super Full Moon in Capricorn, and July 4th commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence; and, this was smack dab in the middle of Cancer season.

Pluto in Capricorn is digging deeper into government, top-down structures, and paradigms that traditionally have held power over us. (Remember, we are witnessing and experiencing the same position of Pluto when this republic was born.) Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is going back over any deceits and illusions visited on us over the recent years… a Reality check.

Cancer represents motherhood, nurture, protection (think crab shell) particularly of children. And, the South Node was in the final throes of Scorpio (linked to things underground, underhanded, sexual, often criminal, hidden money) before moving into Libra.

Will the New Moon we just experienced unravel a thread? Will people feel (Cancer) they need to protect children perhaps in a bigger way than before?

A note of importance for all of us (midwives, doctors, birthing families, parents of children) the children of this time are carrying the higher frequencies of the new paradigm we’re moving to. They need our protection, love, and understanding of their being (not implanted with some false sense that will destroy their frequency). But this is not just their time; it is our time, what we came here to do.


The Permission Illusion

When my wife decided to give her midwifery license back to the State of Arizona years ago, we didn’t exactly have a plan for what to do.

The State of Arizona (a corporation…LITERALLY a piece of paper in a drawer) somehow got the idea that it owned the keys to that kingdom. The ancient tradition of one woman being with another through the rite of passage that is childbirth was co-opted by a corporate machine designed to suppress the expression of humanity.

The State of Arizona even thought they “owned” the very word “midwife” and that only those midwives who passed through their official gates could wear that title.

Back then, we didn’t understand that the State of Arizona Corporation was both very right…and also very wrong. Our independent genetics just generated a collective “F. U.” response in us at the time. So we left town and went to a state where midwives weren’t hunted down like animals.

My wife knew she was called to be a midwife…we just didn’t have a clue how to make that happen since she had relinquished the document endowing her with “permission” to help other women.

And then she came across a book about this foreign topic called a “PMA.” (Private Member Association) That began the journey that continues even until today.

The Matrix has brainwashed humanity into thinking it’s normal to have to ask someone ELSE for permission to provide for yourself. But that is a lie.

Even more sinister…is that permission is an exchange, a contract of sorts, that is only ever offered at a price.

The State of Arizona grants permission to midwives who promise they will follow the dictates of the state EVEN IF THOSE DICTATES CAUSE DIRECT HARM TO WOMEN.

You did not come to this plane to ask permission to be yourself or to use your gifts to create abundance.

So don’t ask. Find another way. They DO exist.

One of those ways is FreedomWorks.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 21

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

“Come to Know what is in front of you, and that which is hidden from you will be made clear to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest.” -The Nazarene

Knowledge is our defense against control and when we don’t look at truth it keeps us from taking action.

Sound of Freedom – Part 2

The movie Sound of Freedom (“The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers”) has really stirred up the swamp.

Regarding the articles mentioned in last week’s newsletter by Rolling Stone, Washington Post and The Guardian, depicting Sound of Freedom as only appealing to “QAnon conspiracy” nuts: not only did the Rolling Stone Editor-In-Chief cover up child pornography charges against his buddy James Gordon Meek (an FBI Affidavit claims that Meek wrote to someone, “Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It’s amazing” and Meek is also accused of sharing a video showing the rape of an infant girl), all of these lavished praise on the controversial Netflix movie Cuties, which depicts overly sexualized little girls twerking. Many of the Cuties audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes call it highly inappropriate and even child soft-porn. Why do the critics give Cuties an 85% score, but the audience only gives it 15%?

Why are these media outlets along with the rest of the legacy media trying to connect Sound of Freedom to “QAnon”? Thankfully there are still true journalists in the alternative media, and at least one has actually researched this claim and come to the conclusion that the true purpose for tying this movie to “QAnon” is to smear people that see it, to “to signal to its loyal reader base the issues about which they should speak and not speak… It allows the reader base to dismiss ‘The Sound of Freedom’ at the cocktail party. ‘I’m not going to see that QAnon trash,’ they can say and thereby be done with it.”

Also this week former FBI agent Marc Ruskin made it clear Child Sex Trafficking is Not a Conspiracy. As early as 2019 it was found that DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated, so it was not surprising that last April it was reported that the Department of Health and Human Services had lost track of 85,000 migrant children over the last two years. Tara Lee Rodas, HHS Whistleblower, provided testimony to Congress which details what she witnessed which lead her to state that “the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”

Sound of Freedom is about child trafficking in Central and South America. Closer to home, over the last few years there have been several reports of child sex trafficking rings in the US being broken up, such as last summer’s report that a Massive Law Enforcement Operation Leads to the Rescue of 121 Trafficked and Missing Children, and a May 2022 article about Texas stating that Foster Kids Were Being Trafficked, Not Protected.

So what is really going on; what is the reason behind the legacy media’s push to delegitimize Sound of Freedom, why do they want people to NOT see this movie? Why has the DOJ Quietly Removed Child Sex Trafficking Information From Its Website this week, immediately after the release of this movie? Is this mere coincidence or a response?

As Above, So Below – Nodal Axis, Big Shifts

Any revelations from the Full Moon two weeks ago? Something you uncovered about yourself or heard/saw about your community or the planet? On the world stage, that Full Moon highlighted big shifts such as Supreme Court decisions, new evidence exposed, discoveries of secreted ballots, admissions about vaccinations, etc.

The New Moon in Cancer 7/17 is the energetic opportunity to delve into these revelations. Perhaps you want to take action but don’t know where to begin. A New Moon is the perfect starting point, a place and time to initiate, set intentions, sow seeds (literally and figuratively). Do something, even the simple process of writing down some ideas, sticking a toe in the water, going with the flow, nurturing your thoughts, feeling the emotions, attuning to the unconscious undercurrents (Cancer). Cancer is the one who gives birth, the portal from which we all come from, the mother of all mothers.

On 7/18, the Nodal Axis changes from the Taurus/Scorpio opposition that has set the tone for the past 18 years, to Aries/Libra which will be the signature for the next 18 years. According to astrologer Pam Gregory, the Nodal Axis is “A thread through the lifetimes of the Soul.”

These Nodes are not planetary bodies or bumps on the Moon. They are mathematical points of relationship between Sun, Moon, and Earth both at the time of our individual birth and also the ongoing transits through the signs that we all simultaneously experience. More specifically, the Moon’s nodes are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic of the Earth.

The North Node (☊) and South Node ( ☋) of the Moon are points that are directly opposite each other. Together, they form the Nodal Axis.

According to online astrological encyclopedia AstroWiki, “The descending or south node [of the moon] is associated with the past…. The ascending or north node stands for the future or direction in which we can develop.” Most astrologers reference the transiting axis as our collective past (past lives, incarnation, karma) and collective future (“what else is possible”…New Earth, for example). The challenge is not to leave behind the South node but to achieve a balance between the two, whereby the experience gained at the South node can be used to further the development of themes represented by the North node.

So, what can we look forward to with this Aries/Libra Nodal Axis? Aries = initiation, courage, warrior, stepping into sovereignty, being a leader or hero in your own life (which has a ripple effect), pioneer, clear sense of self (not ego-centered but purpose-oriented). Libra = relationships, agreements, justice; and as the South Node this could mean old relationships falling away, moving out of the comfort zone of birth/blood family to a Soul Tribe or family of frequency, creating new agreements (a PMA?), community.

More on the Nodal Axis in the future as we move towards Eclipse (ecliptic) season. Oh, did I mention the Nodal Axis’ role in the eclipses?


Toxic Chocolate

Potential really bad news for chocolate lovers; many products contain toxic metals like lead and cadmium. Since 2014, As You Sow has been testing chocolate products offered for sale in California to assess levels of lead and cadmium in such products. “Based on the results of our testing, which found 285 of the 469 chocolate products tested contain lead and/or cadmium above California’s MADLs, we filed legal notices with over 20 companies, including Trader Joe’s, Hershey’s, Mondelēz, Lindt, Whole Foods, Kroger, Godiva, See’s Candies, Mars, Theo Chocolate, Equal Exchange, Ghirardelli, and Chocolove, for failing to warn consumers that their chocolate products contain cadmium or lead, or both.” Check the results for your favorites here.

CRISPR…It’s Not the Name of a New Potato Chip!

A discussion of CRISPR Technology was front and center during The Jaxen Report presented at the FreedomFest event in Memphis this week.

CRISPR, an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, is essentially a technique by which genomes can be sliced and put back together or reconnected in a different sequence.

The bottom line…some scientists, though perhaps being well-intentioned, are embracing the philosophy that they can “fix” or “do it better than God.” They seem to be ignoring The Butterfly Effect. They aren’t considering how this type of technology might be affecting our genes, and how we might pass these defects to our offspring…for generations.

So, why should you be concerned? This procedure is being used to alter our food as well as our environment as in the mosquito trials in Florida and California which just began. By the way, Florida is now experiencing outbreaks of malaria the prevention of which was presumably the purpose of creating genome-altered mosquitoes.

As Del Bigtree declared, “we the People” are the empowered part of the Nation.” And, knowledge is our defense against mind control and government over-reach. Not looking at the truth keeps us from taking action and puts us in reactive defense where our choices and options are limited. Let’s get ahead of this conversation. For example: Make certain your local officials are not considering adopting the use of CRISPR-modified insects or filling school cafeterias with genome-spliced foods. Inform your members (many of you have a clear Mission to provide information). In other words, let’s TAKE ACTION!

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack. I now choose to begin to see myself as the Universe sees me — perfect, whole, and complete.” -Louise Hay

Engineered Blindness

One of the reasons the Matrix seems so pervasive and dominating, is because it is constructed to limit our vision of the possible to a pre-selected set of options.

Business “experts” will walk you through a detailed analysis to determine whether incorporating as an LLC, a PLLC, an S-Corp, a C-Corp or even a sole proprietorship is the “smartest” choice for your business.

No Matrix agent will ever suggest the possibility that none of those choices is appropriate and that you should pursue your goals via alternate methods.

Because of this engineered blindness, 99.9% of business owners believe the presented options ARE the only options available. The contraints of the Matrix are accepted without question. Along with that acceptance comes a long list of constraints on the expression of the INTENTION of the business owner.

While engineered blindness seems like a strong and impenetrable force, it is nothing of the sort. It is illusion. It is an illusion that can disappear with as little as a SINGLE thing that runs contrary to its narrative.

The Private Membership Association is one example.

I (Jason) discovered the existence of PMAs only after a full decade in business for myself. No Matrix agent ever mentioned this possibility, for obvious reasons! The brainwashers are brainwashed too!

But once you discover the set of choices put before you is only a limited and carefully curated selection of options, the journey to freedom really begins.

Because the natural question to ask once you move your livelihood into a PMA (really a Private Mission Society is what we build at FreedomWorks, which is quite a bit more comprehensive that a “PMA”) is this question:

What else have I been trained NOT to see?

And it is from this question that you develop the ability to first intuit and then visibly notice all of the options available to your being that you were trained to believe do not exist.

What you find is that virtually everything is available to you. And that the strongest and most “impenetrable” bars of your mind prison have been created by the manipulation of your own beliefs.

Once you see what else is possible, that will become your guiding question in everything.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.

From the Grab Bag

If you’re in need of a chuckle, watch this short video where Dr. Fauci gets HILARIOUSLY SLAMMED by Dana Carvey & David Spade

Take a look at the thousands of vivid galaxies as viewed by the Webb Telescope.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 20

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

Free-Speech Victory

On Independence Day, July 4, a federal judge in the historic Missouri V. Biden case condemned the Biden administration’s collusion with Big Tech companies to suppress free speech and issued a temporary order blocking the federal government from engaging in such efforts. This verifies the revelations published in the various “Twitter Files” dumps, including that 99% of the censorship was targeting “conservative” speech. True information was being censored; it was not about “misinformation” it was about anything that disagreed with the Biden administration narrative, and when you take a deep dive into the ruling you will see this even included the removal of parody accounts!

Mainstream media, the voice of the globalists, is of course bemoaning this ruling. The Washington Post warns “The Trump-appointed judge’s move could upend years of efforts to enhance coordination between the government and social media companies”. The arguments defending this coordination should be an embarrassment to the author of the article.

The Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution) do not specify rights that are granted to us through the Constitution (which would make them privileges instead of rights). Instead, these are rights we have been endowed with by our Creator, and the Constitution only recognizes these rights. The Supreme Court has ruled that any law that goes against the Constitution is null and void. Every government office holder swears an oath to defend the Constitution, and yet we have been inundated the last few years with executive orders and laws passed by these supposed defenders of the Constitution which have been declared unconstitutional. Vaccine mandates, lockdowns, eviction moratorium, student debt cancellation, 2nd Amendment restrictions…

I must be getting old; I remember when people that called themselves liberals were anti-war and believed in free speech.

– Stephen

The Hills Are Alive With the Sounds of…Soil???

(Note: Though in my head I immediately hear Julie Andrews, this is not about music we hear above ground.)

You may have heard of tree ears. No? These are a type of mushroom, usually found dried in stores, which are used in Chinese food. As a kid, I used to go up to trees (redwoods are my favorite) and deeply inhale their fragrance. Vanilla was my olfactory response. I also did something I called using my tree ears which is where I would press my ear to a tree and listen to its resonance sometimes from the swaying limbs in a breeze, often from the sound of sap moving through the trunk. Although it was exciting, I mostly experienced a sense of peace.

Of course, trees love to hear our stories, particularly those where we are the butt of a joke. So, I guess it’s a two-way street, so to speak.

And now, there are those who are studying the music of soil to discover what these sounds can tell us about the health and makeup of the world beneath our feet.

From the article:

  • Researchers are discovering that listening to the soil can be a way to understand biodiversity below ground without having to overturn every bit of the land.
  • Studies have shown that soils of restored forest areas have both more complex sounds and more critters than soils of degraded sites.
  • Soils of intensively managed agricultural lands also appear to be quieter, indicating that soil sounds could be a proxy for soil health.
  • Some researchers are also using sounds to identify distinct species in the soil, which could open up lots of possibilities for both pest management and wildlife conservation.

Here are a couple of short videos allowing us to listen to an area of depleted soil as well as richly musical ones.

(I’m pretty sure one of our members, Jason Teller, could regale us from his own experiences with soil and trees. So, I pass the baton to you, sir.)

As Above, So Below – Freedom Warrior

Eris is, thus far, one of the largest Kuiper Belt planets. Though introduced in a previous FWCU, here’s a quick review from the astrological side: In Greek mythology, Eris was the sister of Mars (warrior) and known to be an uncompromising truth-teller and warrior for the people. She fought for the principles of justice, equality, social inclusion.

Currently, Eris is energetically bringing revelations and collapse to the old order while emulating the character of empowered co-creator. Henry Selzer, an astrologer for over 30 years, wrote the book The Tenth Planet which is about Eris. He remarked: “Eris signifies high-intensity mavericks who courageously strive against all odds to express and to act on their own unique view. The message of Eris for today’s culture is to articulate our deepest value and to take a stand for what we sincerely believe, no matter how potentially disruptive it is to the status quo.”

Astronomers Brown, Trujillo, and Rabinowitz simultaneously identified a star-like point of light in a series of three images taken over several hours on October 21, 2003. One revolution around the Sun takes more than 560 Earth years. Eris shines brighter than Pluto. In September 2005, a satellite with a 16-day orbit was discovered and now called Dysnomia (daughter of Eris). It is important to note that it is the astronomers who name a planet, not astrologers.

Presently Eris at 25 degrees of Aries is squaring the Sun in Cancer, is nearly conjoined with the upcoming (7/18) nodal axis shift of the North Node (our collective future) into Aries and thus opposed to the South Node (collective past/karma) as well as Haumea (fertility) in Libra; essentially, a T-square.

So, why talk about Eris now? Well, we have over the last few weeks, laid out the course of events through several articles beginning with Infiltration/Invasion and the implications for the impact on our freedoms, our lives, our children’s lives, our economy. And now, it is the time to DO SOMETHING. We have the Galactic energies at our back. Our Souls chose this time to be on Earth.

We have an upcoming 3-part series describing many levels of participation. You could run for school board, but you don’t have to. There are many many many opportunities to courageously embrace and uphold Freedom that have nothing to do with being arrested and going to jail.

We can do this! Let’s stand together!

Liberty and the Divine

In a poignant, sometimes humorous, other times dramatically emphatic speech to PERK (Protection of Educational Rights of Kids), Del Bigtree “gave a presentation exposing the real pandemic, a pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and policy in the U.S. which The HighWire and ICAN have been investigating since its founding. COVID may have opened your eyes, but this talk, given in California at a fundraiser for the group PERK, and now being presented to you, will help you learn why COVID was just the tip of the vaccine safety iceberg.”

Episode #327 Pandemic of Lies


“we will win a case that puts these people in prison”

“the truth is like a lion; let it loose and it will defend itself.”

“we have an erosion of confidence in medical expertise.”

“God has plans for all of us here.”

“going to sleep will most surely lead to our demise.”

“We were born for this moment. You chose to be a warrior for this time.” (Eris)

“STAND for Victory/Freedom/Truth and they will never be able to knock us back to our knees.”

Sound of Freedom

The box office winner this last weekend was Sound of Freedom, which is “The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers.” Tony Robbins is a personal friend of the real-life protagonist Tim Ballard, and in this interview he discusses the film, Tim’s story, as well as Tony’s experience when he joined Tim on one of his missions.

This movie beat out even the newly released Indiana Jones movie while playing on 40% fewer screens, and many are wondering why the media is ignoring this. The film was completed and ready to be released five years ago, but when Disney bought 21st Century Fox their first act was to shelve it.

Ask yourself, why does the mainstream media (as well as Disney) NOT want you to see this movie, which has a 99% Audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes? Why the determined effort to tag it as only appealing to “conspiracy nuts”?

Rolling Stone: “‘Sound of Freedom,’ the QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking, is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”

CNN: Movie On Sex Trafficking Is a ‘Moral Panic’ Meant To Appease QAnon

The father of former Disney CEO Bob Iger worked for Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father. Bob Iger named his son after Maxwell: Robert Maxwell Iger. Bob Iger appointed Richard Cook to chairman of Disney only three days after Cook flew on Epstein’s plane with two unidentified females in 2002. Epstein client, ex-Senator George Mitchell, identified by Virginia Roberts Guiffre as one of her abusers, helped promote Iger to Disney CEO two years later. A few years ago a video was released showing Amy Robach’s frustrations that Disney-owned ABC Quashed her Jeffrey Epstein Story.

Is it possible these two stories are related? More to follow…


My Bass-Ackwards Journey to Freedom

In the interest of full disclosure, I (Jason) started my journey to freedom walking in exactly the wrong direction required to meet it.

I thought I had to get something (freedom) so I could have it. I didn’t realize I was already walking around with what I desired and that the real work was to figure out how to express it.

My first attempts at the journey were a result of my training to use my power of creation to build my own prison. If you can be trained to project lack, you will perpetuate lack, you will see it around every corner, you will CREATE it as your future.

Back then, I lacked freedom and I wanted to get it. By embodying that vibration, I co-created a reality that matched.

Only when I first broke through the outer edges of the Matrix (quitting your job out of disgust with no other obvious way to provide for your family is an effective way to “break free,” although what followed could be described, by some, as a psychotic break!) did I realize how backwards my approach had been.

Humanity has been trained to believe they are an effect rather than a cause. The recipient rather than the source.

  • If you want freedom, it must come from you.
  • If you want independence, your being is the place from which it will flow.
  • If you want the life you dream about, your heart is the place with everything required to make it real.

When you can look in the mirror and understand the magic that you hold for bringing forth whatever yearnings live in the depths of your being, only then will you embody the vibration that freedom is.

Freedom is a song. It is the song you have come to sing. You don’t need to “find” it, you simply need to be willing to allow the music to be heard.


The FreedomWorks Team

P.S. If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.

FreedomWorks Community Update 19

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

As Above, So Below – Super Full Moon

“We all shine on…like the Moon and the Stars and the Sun.” -John Lennon

Just in time to light up the sky before the Independence Day fireworks, a Super Full Moon in Capricorn will occur on July 3rd at 7:38 am ET, 4:38 am PT. We’ve spoken of Super Full Moons before, but just as a refresher, the “super” refers to the closeness of the Moon to the Earth, hence it appears larger and the light it is reflecting to us from the Sun seems to be brighter.

Now before you utter “Another focus on the Moon? Haven’t we heard enough?” with its proximity to the Earth and its movement through all of the signs in a single month, the Moon quickly aspects all of the other planets and briefly touches all of the signs reflecting these energy qualities to us, particularly through the lens of the qualities it presumably embodies…emotion/need.

With the Moon at 11 degrees in the Earth sign of Capricorn, Jupiter is trining the Moon and adding its expansiveness to the seismic activity potential. Capricorn’s more shadow qualities relate to government, control issues, old paradigms, top-down structures that have held power over us and which seem relatively negative; but it also signifies building, integrity, self-responsibility. The Jupiter (resources) trine Moon (needs) and could also bring you resources essential to your project/Mission.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Cancer whilst forming the opposition (as always with a Full Moon) to Moon in Capricorn. So not only are Capricorn themes emphasized, but also Cancer ones such as home, mother, emotions. Also, this could be a check in on what we said (Mercury) we wanted to do or commit to back in January (Sun was in Capricorn).

Pluto’s (death and rebirth) return into Capricorn is another opportunity for life evaluation. There may be endings in living situations, jobs, belief systems all of which can create the space for other possibilities. It is vital that we focus on whether we feel we are falling into victim mode or moving forward into empowered co-creation.

A bit more cosmically, Neptune (27 degrees Pisces) continues to be square to the Galactic Center (27 degrees of Sagittarius…until 2025) brilliant time to further affirm visioning and use our imagination. Frequency matches create more interconnectedness to the Cosmos and other living beings.

“It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance.” -Van Morrison

Access Denied

“Truth really does make us free.” Mark Phillips

Cathy O’Brien, MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor (see, previously has discussed the violence, abuse, and torture she experienced while being used by various government and New World Order leaders. In this most recent interview from 6/26/23, she reveals some of the activities she witnessed. Her book Access Denied for Reasons of National Security talks about how “they classify everything so they can always play that card allowing for a cover-up.” She links this rationale used in the 1990’s to hide information regarding many activities and accusations by today’s same actors. Think classified files.

She talks about reporter Danny Casolaro, who she described as “the Seth Rich of his time”, and the information he was about to reveal about the Octopus before he was “suicided.”*

In this new video, Mel K and Cathy discuss the mind control of the masses that started with the JFK assassination, continued with 9/11, and most recently, the pandemic.

Last week we spoke about actions we can take to rise above the din of the infiltration and ensure our ever expanding freedom. As just a start, in this video Cathy also speaks of the internal process we all need to perform to see what’s in front of us and formulate solutions. “It’s hard to face the truth but as we do, we take an evolutionary leap.”

That Cathy could have a positive outlook about what else is possible is a testament to the remarkable resilience of the human spirit. I hope you’ll make the time to listen.


*Dark Journalist and Dr. Joseph Farrell take a deeper dive into the Casolaro story

Mandates Without Representation

In The Highwire’s most recent episode #326 Systemic Failure, Aaron Siri who heads the ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) legal team, speaks about his testimony given to the Arizona State Senate’s Novel Covid South Western Intergovernmental Committee. The committee is tasked with the responsibility to address the challenges and lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and charting the path forward. Aaron turned the tables on the topics he was asked to discuss and instead presented a very clear, cogent explanation of the 1986 decision that eliminated Big Pharma liability for vaccine harm, turned FDA into a purchasing body as well as a marketing arm of Pharma, and then tampered with our Constitutional rights through government mandates issued by the very agencies most likely to financially benefit from these mandates.

No conspiracy, but lots of charts, copies of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, agency responses or lack thereof, testimonies from and depositions of conflict of interest experts, and all while providing proof of misconduct and more. Very compelling and thought provoking.

This is something to watch, take notes about, and share with others.

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right…and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean of the characters and conduct of their rulers.” -John Adams

“We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident…”

In this dramatic reading of The Declaration of Independence by Max McLean (a Panamanian-born American stage actor, writer, and producer) we have an opportunity to hear the profound, intense seriousness with which they sought to make freedom manifest in a new nation.

The Declaration, the words of which appear on the screen, is followed with a listing of the 56 Signers by colony/state.

Thomas Jefferson composed the original draft of the document, which congress would edit to produce the final version. The Declaration was ultimately a formal explanation of why Congress had voted on July 2 to declare independence from Great Britain, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War.

The reading is enhanced by music from composer Hans Zimmer whose credits include scores for movies such as As Good As It Gets, The Lion King, Preacher’s Wife, Mission Impossible 2, A League of Their Own, Rain Man, Pirates of the Carribbean, Last Samurai, and many more. Also, James Horner’s “After Antietnam” from the movie soundtrack “Glory” is heard; both are very moving accompaniments to the Declaration’s words.

We celebrate Independence Day on July 4, the day Congress approved the wording of the Declaration.

So, invite family and friends to listen; offer to schools and churches to play, share this foundational document far and wide. Use it to start discussions; study it; understand the courageous action of putting forth such a declaration.


John Williams conducting The Boston Pops on 7/4/87. Performance concludes with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture (you know, the one with church bells and cannons and fireworks at the end), and a rowdy encore of Stars and Stripes.

Ripping Up the Declaration of Dependence

In the U.S. this week, we celebrate our independence as a nation. While this might be considered the “land of the free” on paper, if you look around, it’s easy to see that plenty of people here are NOT “free.”

Dependence is everywhere, because that’s how we’ve been trained.

Until we are able to be WHOLE on our own, only then can we truly bring value to other’s lives. But the training most of us have received is not designed to produce humans like that. The training most of us receive is designed to breed dependence… in body, mind and spirit.

Here are just a few of the customary teachings:

  • We are taught we need a job…
  • We are taught we need a “good” education…
  • We are taught we need a “degree…”
  • We are taught we need to follow the rules (someone else’s rules)…
  • We are taught we need permission…
  • We are taught we need approval…

The common thread is that we are trained to live life from a place of need. We are trained to live life dependent on something outside ourselves. These are the lessons that are taught.

Accepting these lessons is basically like drafting your own Declaration of Dependence.

Perhaps the time has come to rip up this Declaration of Dependence and declare yourself an independent and free living being.

Your life is not meant to be a tool for someone else. Your life is a gift for you to use to enrich yourself and the rest of the world. You don’t “need” anything or anyone to get started. No permission, no approval, no validation. Nothing.

This doesn’t mean we can’t help each other. Helping is not dependence. Dependence is a state of mind. That state of mind has been programmed into most of us on purpose.

At FreedomWorks, we are helping to usher in a world where that programming is no longer tolerated. Whether you are considering moving your livelihood into a Private Membership Association or simply resonate with our larger mission, you play an important role in creating the New Earth.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 18

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

This Week’s Infiltration Revelations

This has been an historic week! The revelations pouring out into the public awareness have been difficult to keep up with. The evidence regarding just how deep the infiltration has progressed since JFK’s 1961 speech, which started as a trickle, is now quickly evolving towards a tidal wave. This week we will be offering examples of this infiltration, and next week we will start providing solutions and actions we can all take to ensure our freedom.

Let’s start with the report and congressional testimony of special prosecutor John Durham. No matter your political persuasion, no matter who you voted for, the facts presented by Durham show just how powerful the deep state has become and I would think should be concerning to all Americans. Now all of America is being exposed to what the independent journalists have been uncovering. The Steele dossier, the “Moscow hotel pee tape”, and the Alpha Bank allegations were all completely fictitious. The FBI fabricated and falsified evidence to obtain FISA warrants. The entire campaign to create a scandal tying Trump to the Russians was a hoax, fabricated and funded by the Clinton campaign, and personally approved by Hillary Clinton. John Brennan, then CIA Director, knew this was all a hoax, and informed both Obama and Biden. Adam Schiff lied about all the evidence he claimed to have proving Russia collusion. The DOJ, FBI and White House all ignored mounds of exculpatory evidence, and participated in this hoax.

This helps prove that the mainstream media and the so-called “fact checkers”, instead of doing actual journalism, are merely reading from teleprompters controlled by the CIA and deep state; a Pulitzer Prize was awarded for a story that had zero basis in facts; and big-tech media companies censored the independent investigators reporting the truth.

Also this week: an Undercover Video which Exposes BlackRock Recruiter Bragging About How Little It Takes to ‘Buy a Senator’. This recruiter says he decides people’s fates and describes how BlackRock controls varied world pressure points in government, business, and media. Blackrock and Vanguard own both Big Media and Big Pharma.

Speaking of Big Pharma, this week also saw the release of new FOIA documents revealing a smoking gun: COV*D Was Created at Wuhan Lab, Escaped From ‘Gain of Function’ Research – And Was Financed by US Taxpayer Money! In addition, Dr. Peter Hotez, who’s become a household name for his staunch and unrelenting promotion of mRNA vaccines, has been entangled in a funding web linked to controversial Chinese military scientists at Wuhan. Hotez has been offered more than $2.6 million to the charity of his choice to debate the vaccine issue with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Joe Rogan’s podcast, but refuses. Hotez has a history of false predictions and contradicts himself time and time again, as shown in this short video.

Last but certainly not least, in the latest Hunter Biden saga, this week (1) more whistleblowers are coming forward, this time claiming the DOJ tipped off Biden before a search was to be conducted, and were actively interfering with IRS investigations, (2) a Former Federal Prosecutor Reveals DOJ Is Violating Its Own Policies with Hunter Biden Plea Deal, and (3) all the Democrats in the Congressional Ways and Means Committee voted to NOT release whistleblower testimony on the Biden administration’s handling of a federal investigation into the president’s son Hunter Biden. BTW, in case you haven’t heard, the FBI confirmed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID; the contents of this laptop confirm 459 violations of state and federal laws committed by the Biden family & their business associates, including 140 business crimes, 191 sex offenses, and 128 drug crimes, as fully documented in the Marco Polo report. So Joe Biden and 51 intelligence officers, as well as the mainstream media, fact-checkers, and big-tech media censors, who all claimed the laptop appeared to be Russian misinformation, were lying.

If there is anything along these lines that you haven’t had the time or opportunity to fully investigate yourself, and would like us to dig into, feel free to ask.

As Above, So Below – Flow

“We must be willing to let go of the life we had planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” -Joseph Campbell

We entered Cancer season through the energetic portal of the Summer Solstice (Sol=Sun; stice=standstill). We can bring this supportive energy into our solar plexus for our own Soul’s/Sol purpose.

Ask: What is giving me life/light to inspire me to live on this planet now? (Clue: look to your Vision Statement.)

Mercury moves into Cancer 6/26 for a brief 2-week gallop through that sign. Mercury’s information will be more intuitive as Cancer is a water sign. Probably wise to think twice before saying the first thing that comes to mind. With Mars in Leo where one can roar loudly when power or leadership is challenged, squaring Uranus (squares=intensity, pressure), we want to be mindful of the impulsive tantrum both in ourselves as well as in others, and hence another reason to bite one’s tongue (the opposite of shoot first, ask questions later).

The current Cancer emphasis can also remind us of the mothering instinct which in detriment, can be defensive. This is where we focus on the water aspect and go with the flow. We can be receptive, neutral, and just Be.

Thinking about Mother Earth…perhaps even more so as we use the energies of Cancer, we can consider that perhaps Mother Earth is not a thing as much as it is a command to us…mother Earth.

8 Forms of Capital (Plus a Bonus 9th)

One of the FreedomWorks Mission Statements include: Provide the tools, resources, and processes which enable Members to be liberated from limitations and controls imposed by internal and external sources and thus achieve physical, emotional, mental, and financial freedom.

In support of this statement, we’re sharing The 8 Forms of Capital (plus a bonus 9th form) to disrupt the mindset that might be constricting financial abundance, preventing some of you from even starting to manifest your mission, and limiting access to your self-value and self-worth.

After watching a movie about JM Fortier’s 1.5 acre market farm in Quebec where he made $150,000 yearly, used no big equipment, and applied French intensive methods, I enthusiastically searched “market farming” and found Curtis Stone—The Urban Farmer in Kelowna British Columbia who utilized other people’s yards to leverage his growing space and provided a Green City CSA share to each landowner in exchange for use of the land. Curtis, too used no heavy equipment, pedaled to growing sites with a trailer/cart (much like our fellow member Jason Teller featured in an earlier FWCU), and grew intensively.

Curtis recorded podcasts not only about how to grow (book: The Urban Farmer), but also best practices and philosophies for being successful. He has since put more of his ideas into practice turning away from the market garden business to creating a community of families working together to provide their own food, and in his most recent endeavor to leave the matrix via development of an off-grid compound beyond the confines of city living. He has called himself entrepreneur, libertarian (but no longer), and studied many of the processes of status correction.

One topic he covered was the 8 Forms of Capital that comprise Real Wealth. (I have since added a 9th item.) These include:

  1. Financial
  2. Material
  3. Social
  4. Natural
  5. Experiential
  6. Intellectual
  7. Spiritual
  8. Cultural
  9. Time

While #1 and #2 are what financial institutions consider one’s net worth (which they can control and lack resilience), 3-9 are higher values because they are HUMAN, can leverage #1 and #2, and are within our control. He sees Social (relationships, likeability, friends, family) as most important as these create a foundation of Trust through social cohesion…the backbone of capital. #5 and #6 are intrinsic as they can’t ever be taken away. Culture (traditions, art, music, languages, ceremony, shared myths, stories, songs) is an area where the US excels in fusing these pooled cultures to create something more. For fuller explanations use the links below.

Seeing Through the “Promise” of the Matrix

One of the common questions we get from business owners looking to create a PMA is some variation of this:

“What happens if I get in trouble?”

This question generally comes as a result of what you might call, the “implied” promise of the Matrix. The implication is that if you follow all of the codes and statutes as set out by the controllers, you won’t have any trouble.

You won’t be singled out. You won’t be hassled. You won’t get in trouble. You won’t be charged with fines… or worse.

While the illusion of this promise held strong for decades, the past few years have shown the world just how weak it is.

As codes and statutes are easily changed by the Matrix controllers, the terms of the “implied promise” are becoming increasingly stringent.

As a result, more and more people are discovering the promise was never true, but only used to produce compliance without the threat of physical violence that is usually required to do it.

Should you share some version of the “what will happen if I get into trouble?” question when considering creating a Private Membership Association, know that the true answer to the question has less to do with successfully navigating the world of law and much more to do with closely analyzing the internal programming that would make such a question so important to answer.

Where does freedom exist? Does someone grant it to you? Do you claim it? Is freedom only available if “they” say it’s OK? Who gets to decide the answers to these questions?

The short answer is you do. The long answer is that the short answer won’t matter until you’re able to FEEL that it is actually true.

Embodying this feeling is the purpose of the very first step of the work we do with new members.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 17

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

We have a problem, but we can’t solve it.

We have a problem, and we can solve it.

We have a problem. Can I help solve it?

We have a problem. Here’s how I’m solving it.”

~Adam Grant

Infiltration Rather Than Invasion

The reason for introducing and continuing the highlighted thread in the last two issues (WTF is the WEF Doing and Out of the Shadows) is because it has become evident many freedoms we have taken for granted are being eroded. We are not doom-and-gloomers though! We believe in the power and goodness of humanity; that we just need to take a stand together, not consent to this takeover, and take appropriate actions to and advance the cause of freedom far beyond just restoring what we have ever enjoyed. One step in this process is awakening to the full scope of what is going on, so we can make well-informed decisions on how we can contribute to this cause of freedom, truth and justice for all.

Before we continue with this thread, let’s journey back in time a bit. Undoubtedly some of our members are well aware of a good portion of this information; we want to ensure those who have had other priorities and paths get caught up in order to place current events in a fuller context.

In the farewell address to the American people by President Dwight D. Eisenhower (from 1953-1961), the five-star General who planned and supervised the D-Day Invasion of Normandy stated that “Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea” and issued a stern warning that “… we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” The full text of this speech can be found here.

The next President, John F. Kennedy, broadened the scope of this warning:

“…we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed…”

The full text of this speech can be found here; the full audio can be found here.

The term “deep state” appears to have been first coined by Dr. Peter Dale Scott of UC Berkeley, who has been writing about it for 50 years. Recently the mainstream media has gone to great lengths to debunk this concept. However, just last year, the Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center agreed with Kennedy’s statement by admitting there truly was a “deep state” by posting a statement on both LinkedIn and Twitter. This document describes a “Global threat” of “state and non-state actors… targeting the United States”, infiltrating “every sector of the US economy”, a “diverse and dynamic threat” utilizing “legal and quasi-legal methods, including mergers, acquisitions, investments, joint ventures, partnerships, and talent recruitments programs to acquire US technology and innovation.”

“This new form of conflict is not fought on a foreign battlefield, but on our power grids, our computer networks, our LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH FACILITIES, our financial institutions, our healthcare providers, and our federal, state and local tribal governments. This battle will not be won by weapons and warriors, but by public and private sector partnerships and through American dedication and diligence.”

Though Kennedy was a Democrat and regarded as a hero by most people who consider themselves to be liberal, if he were to give that same speech now he would be branded by the new left as a right-wing conspiracy nut. Most likely if he gave that speech today he would include the education system, the medical industry and the mainstream media as part of that “machine” which is at war with the American people via an “infiltration instead of invasion.”

In the mid-70s the Church Committee hearings and reports by the New York Times and Rolling Stone exposed the CIA’s infiltration of the media, as detailed in an article by the CATO institute. “In some cases, the ‘journalists’ were actually full‐time CIA employees masquerading as members of the Fourth Estate…”, “…some 400 bona fide American journalists had secretly carried out assignments for the ClA during the previous 25 years…” and “the most valuable of the close associations were ‘with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc. [the publisher of both Time and Newsweek].’ In fact, the New York Times alone ‘provided cover for about ten CIA operatives’ over a nearly two‐decade period.” This video demonstrates why this CIA operation has been dubbed “Operation Mockingbird”.

To be continued…

As Above, So Below – Summer Solstice

“At the Summer Solstice, all is green and growing, potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation painted large on the canvas of awareness.” ~Gary Zukav

The backdrop–

The shadow side of Pluto in Aquarius (those degrees through which it has just traversed) is, at this time, characterized as control by technology, AI…hyperrational, hyperintellectual. As Pluto retrogrades back into the final degrees of Capricorn, we have the opportunity to take a different path.

On the day of the Solstice (6/21) the Moon will be in Leo, creating with Venus and Mars what is known as a stellium (when 3 or more planets cluster in a single sign). This is Heart (Venus and Leo) energy. And staying anchored in the heart is what it means to be human. This stellium squares Jupiter in Taurus and literally mean The Expanded Consciousness (Jupiter) of Love.

The Solstice occurs when the Sun is at 0 degrees of Cancer. And as Cancer is a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn are the cardinals), and the cardinal signs represent the World Axis, this is an indicator of something coming into public light or world prominence. Further, this Solstice precedes many of the planets currently on the cusps and are about to change signs thus ushering in new massive energy.

Another contributor to the energy changes is, according to geobiologist Rory Duff, the continually increasing harmony of the planet’s energy lines which is now at 34 days (17 days before, 17 days after) for each equinox and solstice and will boost another 20% following this solstice. It is suggested that by 2024, there will be year-round harmony of the energy lines across the Earth for 200 years.

Should you choose to meditate or participate in some solstice-related activity, this is best done the day before the solstice as this is when the energies are most in harmony. We create from the invisible particularly when we collectively come together. Also, we activate ourselves and further amplify the Earth’s energy upgrade as well.

These are extraordinary changes and opportunities and we chose to be here at this moment.

(See the article on Summer Solstice Musical Meditation)

“…tomorrow may rain, so I’ll follow the sun…” ~Paul McCartney / John Lennon

Summer Solstice Sound Bath

I am more familiar with the riotous Solstice celebration of the annual Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Parade—tribal drums, wild colors; a resemblance to New Orleans Mardi Gras or Brazilian Carnival.

However, this creation, Summer Solstice Sound Bath & Astrology Meditation for Deep Soul Nourishment, is not raucous. I enjoyed the native flute, human harmony, crystal bowls, gong, and the meditation. I was also struck by the connections to astrological aspects.

Note the dog in front of the woman. Whenever I meditate, one of my cats will come from wherever he is in the house and sit in my lap usually placing one paw on crystals. So I was intrigued to see the dog participating in a similar manner.


Salt of the Earth

Synchronicity in action. Last week’s newsletter shared information about Salt, the issues of microplastics in much of this necessary mineral, as well as good sources for purchasing salt including one in the states. In a previous issue our article on Community 1.5 we featured the story of Jill and her husband Christian who were revitalizing a soda fountain in an effort to create more community.

Now, here is Jill in her most recent article on…Salt. She has visited the salt mine in Utah where Redmond’s Salt in extracted. And, she has her own take on this ingredient.

The Most Underrated Ingredient in Your Kitchen

Good, ol salt.

It’s often ignored in the wake of more exciting homestead ingredients like bone broth, raw milk, or maple syrup.

But make no mistake– it’s just as important, maybe even more so.

Whether we’re curing meat, fermenting veggies, or brining cheese, homestead-style cooking demands that you have a solid (and affordable!) source of good salt.

And not all salt is created equal.

I recently featured a giant 25-lb bag of salt on an Instagram Reel and it generated a bunch of questions.

(Because yes, I’m a weirdo and buy my salt 25-pounds at a time. Scroll to the bottom of this email if you want a link to bulk-buy your own salt for a discount. 😉)

Several years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing an expert from Redmond Salt on my podcast, so I wanted to pull my favorite nuggets from my notes and share them again today.

Is Salt Bad for Us?

Salt is essential for life. Without salt, everything dies, as our bodies need it in order to function.

Before refrigeration, food was frequently preserved with salt and we didn’t have the health problems that are associated with salt today.

So why do doctors constantly suggest you eat less salt for your health?

Salt has received a bad rap in recent times for two reasons:

First, salt is one of the main ingredients added to processed foods to make them more palatable (sugar and fat are the others).

Someone consuming a diet primarily made up of processed foods (think lots of cheap meats (hot dogs, lunch meat, etc), fast food, chicken nuggets, TV dinners, canned soups, and packaged meals) will be consuming far more sodium than they would in a simple, whole-foods diet where a sprinkle of salt is added during the cooking process.

Second, salt has become more processed over the years. If you look at the back of a salt container at a grocery store, you will see that it contains an ingredient list. It’s not just salt.

Much of our modern salt are processed, demineralized, and amended with various additives and chemicals. Because this salt is so processed, it acts differently in our bodies.

What’s the Deal with Sea Salt?

In the 1970’s, people started to realize that additives were being added to salt. They correctly assumed that sea salt would be better since it wasn’t processed.

Unfortunately, fast forward to today, and ‘sea salt’ has become a mostly meaningless term. Nearly all salt can be labeled as ‘sea salt’ even if it’s processed or has additives.

Iodine or No Iodine?

When it comes to natural salt, there’s always a lot of concern about iodine deficiency.

In our modern times, people connect iodine and salt together. However, historically, salt and iodine were never connected. (This blew my mind!)

During World War I, the military was trying to draft men from the Midwest, but there were goiter issues (iodine deficiencies) in that region of America. This was due to the midwest not eating a lot of seafood and natural foods that are rich in iodine and also because the soils in the Midwest were depleted of these natural minerals.

Therefore, instead of encouraging the public to eat natural foods rich in iodine, the military decided that they would add iodine to salt.

It would be a surefire way to increase the population’s salt intake, since everyone had to eat salt, right?

Adding iodine to salt worked for fixing goiter problems, however, encouraging eating more iodine-rich natural foods would have been better for our health.

Real natural salt still contains slight amounts of iodine naturally, but not enough that your body needs. If you start using natural salt, consider also adding more natural iodine-rich foods to your diet.

What’s the deal with all the different salt sizes? Salt is a crystal that can be crushed into four different sizes:

  1. Coarse or grinder salt: This is the size of a peppercorn. You can grind this salt like you would grind pepper. I use coarse salt for curing meats, making pickles, or sprinkling on homemade pretzels.
  2. Kosher-size salt: Kosher salt generally denotes a certain size of salt (coarse) that is proper size for pulling moisture (blood) out of meat in a way that makes it appropriate for kosher use. It can also mean that the manufacturing facility is approved by the Jewish community and therefore appropriate for use in that style of cooking. I use kosher salt for canning and I like to keep a box under my sink for scouring gunk off of my cast iron pans.
  3. Granular or fine salt: This is “shaker salt” since it’s small enough to come out of the holes in a typical salt shake. It’s the best size for everyday use and what I use 99% of the time in my cooking.
  4. Powder salt: This salt is similar in size to confectioner’s sugar. Fine powdered salt will taste very salty and can be sprinkled very lightly on foods. It sticks to food better, so it’s perfect for popcorn, roasted nuts, etc. (A little goes a long way!)

Beyond the sizes, there are also a dizzying array of different types: grey, pink, Himalayan, Bolivian, Hawaiian, and more.

But I keep just one variety in my kitchen: Redmond. It’s all I’ve used for the last 5+ years because:

  • It doesn’t contain artificial additives or unhealthy pollutants.
  • It’s not stripped of beneficial trace minerals.
  • It’s unrefined sea salt mined from an ancient seabed in Utah.
  • It’s full of trace minerals that give it one-of-a-kind nutritional benefits and a subtly sweet flavor.

I use it for ALL my cheesemaking, canning, fermenting, curing, and cooking.

And of course, I get it in 25-lb bags because:

a) I love buying in bulk, and…
b) it’s even more affordable that way.

If you’d like to add a big (or small!) bag of Redmond Salt to your pantry, go salt shopping here And use coupon code HOMESTEAD for 15% off!

Keeping it Salty,


P.S. If you want to listen to my whole interview with Darryl Bosshardt of Redmond Salt (warning: I totally nerded out in this episode) click here.

PMAs, a Gateway “Drug” to the Discovery of Freedom

12 years ago, I (Jason) first learned about the concept of the Private Membership Association and how to use it to move your livelihood OUTSIDE the confines of the Matrix.

My wife chanced upon a small booklet written by a nearby doctor summarizing how it all worked. He’d been successfully practicing under a PMA’s protection for DECADES.

My wife had just given up her midwifery license because she refused to follow its directives and the harm that such behavior would cause to the women she served.

She wasn’t about to quit midwifery, but she did end her relationship with the State and its control over her work via the license.

At first, we weren’t sure how she could continue her work without becoming a “criminal.” So the Universe connected us with the world of Private Membership Associations and opened up an entirely new level of understanding.

Even so, we were clueless. We were brand new to the world of the PMA and we didn’t know what we didn’t know.

  • Back then, we didn’t realize that pieces of paper couldn’t give you power you didn’t already have inside of you.
  • Back then, we didn’t understand that our brainwashing and conditioning had oriented us towards asking for permission in all areas of our life.
  • Back then, we didn’t fully grasp the extent to which the expression of our life force was being contained by forces we didn’t even know were present in our mind and body.

And then, as we began learning more about Private Membership Associations and how we could use them, an entire world of possibility opened up to us.

We began to see what had been invisible. We began to act in ways we didn’t know were possible. Most importantly, we began to live in a manner where the obstacles between our intentions and the outward expression of those intentions were slowly dissolving.

You could say that our PMA journey was the “gateway drug” to our discovery of freedom…freedom that is available for anyone who will dare to claim it.

And from that point forward, everything changed…

You did not come to this plane to ask permission to BE or permission to LIVE or permission to enrich the lives of others with your gifts and talents.

You came to shine your light in a way that no one before you has ever done in quite the same manner. And that requires NO permission from anyone.

Our team at FreedomWorks stands waiting to help guide you through a journey that will forever change your perspective on the world and what you believe is possible for you to achieve.

If you are ready to begin that journey and move your work outside of the Matrix system, we look forward to helping you do that.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 16

Have a Question, Comment or Other Feedback?

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service focused on adding value to the lives of the entire FreedomWorks Community.

If you have specific topics of interest you’d like to see featured in future issues, a comment or question about a previous issue or other feedback, we’d like to hear it!

Send an email to [email protected] with anything you’d like us to know. Thank you for helping us make sure the FreedomWorks Community Update is a valuable resource on your journey to freedom!

Inside This Issue:

“The trouble with political jokes is very often they get elected.”

Out of Shadows

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article detailing how Instagram helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage-sex content. This article is helping to bring to people’s awareness that pedophiles “…mix brazenness with superficial efforts to veil their activity… Certain emojis function as a kind of code, such as an image of a map—shorthand for ‘minor-attracted person’—or one of ‘cheese pizza’ which shares its initials with ‘child pornography…’.”

A few years ago, any mention of cheese pizza being a code word for child pornography was being labeled as a conspiracy theory. Do you know the origin of the term “conspiracy theory?” After the Kennedy assassination, the CIA created this term in order to discredit anyone that didn’t agree with the Warren Commission’s report that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. So this means that in 1976, 81% of Americans were conspiracy nuts. This number has gone down since then, mostly because only one-third of current Americans were alive at that time, but it still includes a clear majority.

And since then, this term has become a useful tool to discredit anything that does not fit the narrative of the established powers-that-be. As we continue to dive deeper into what connects the history of JFK with institutions such as the WEF, we want to bring to your attention a documentary that has been banned from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Paypal. Out Of Shadows “lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy.” It also details how the CIA is involved. We will continue this thread next week and how it ties into the modern day world, so highly recommend you watch this and share it, especially with the younger generation.

Musical Notes

As you may have noticed, we often include links to music in the FW Community Updates.

We mindfully curate these pieces both to underscore an article’s message through song lyrics as well as to provide a means by which we can tap into higher frequency. For example, remembering that in creation, first there was the sound and then the light, the vibrational patterns can create frequencies that inspire or can lift one’s spirit, or transform emotional states, or transcend to joy, love, peace, higher consciousness.

We know that the Schumann resonance is vital to the well-being of Earth and thus the inhabitants.

According to an article by Jonathan Tennenbaum of the Fusion Energy Foundation in Germany, “DNA resonates the language of music and not syntax binary. Great research by composer Stuart Mitchell and peers have revealed that DNA is a cosmic musical score operating triplets of rhythm at over 3,000 beats per minute. Stuart’s groundbreaking work now allows us to hear the symphony of DNA in real time, proving that there is no such thing as ‘junk’ in our divine blueprint and allowing us to hear the cosmic song of the human genome.”

I, for one, am so Grateful to have ears to hear. My heart expands with every crescendo of a bird’s trill. I weep with joy as Nature’s tones harmonize. I immediately and deeply center when I hear the words “standing here on sacred ground” sung by Jon Anderson in “The Presence of” referenced in last week’s As Above, So Below-Heart Throb piece.

We hope you take the opportunity to experience the music playing in your life…the Cosmos, Source, God, Love are singing to us.


P.S. The beauty and power of the Finale to Stravinsky’s Suite of the Firebird never fails to send energizing chills up and down my spine. It’s truly representative of the transcending Phoenix.

– Stephen

As Above, So Below – Moonstruck

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
-Gautama Buddha

With the approach of the New Moon in Gemini 6/17 followed closely by the Cancer Solstice 6/21, I thought it first might be interesting to explore some astronomical statistics about the Moon.

Who Built the Moon, by researchers Christopher Knight and Alan Butler, discusses the amazing anomalies and geometrical/mathematical synchronicity between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon. Here are just a few of these “coincidences.”

Unlike other bodies in the solar system:

  • The Moon is 400x smaller than the Sun. At a Solar Eclipse, it is 400x closer to the Earth; thus from Earth’s viewpoint, appears the same size as the Sun.
  • The Sun and Moon set at the same point on the horizon at Equinoxes and the opposite point at the Solstices.
  • Earth rotates 366.299 times during one orbit of the Sun. The polar circumference of the Earth is 366.175 times bigger than that of the Moon. The polar circumference of the Moon is 27.31% the size of Earth and the Moon makes 27.396 turns per orbit of the Earth.
  • Divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon, multiply by 100, and you get the circumference of the Earth. Divide the size of the Sun by the size of the Earth, multiply by 100 and you get the size of the Moon.
  • It is the 5th largest moon in the solar system despite other planets with moons being much larger.

Knight and Butler sum up their findings as “The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be, and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.”

Although I have gone swimming in the ocean in the lighted path of a Full Moon, have marveled during Lunar Eclipses particularly one July that I watched from the balcony protruding out over a vineyard noting the strange and moody patterns of light and darkness, I do not revere the Moon as goddess nor as imbued with supernatural powers. If, for example, the Moon can sync women’s cycles, I am grateful not to succumb to that control.

All that being said, the Moon’s presence does reflect and amplify the Sun’s light and energy, and as such, plays a role in the astrological considerations.

Meanwhile, on 6/17 at 9:38 pm PT (6/18 at 12:38 am ET), the Moon is conjoined the Sun (thus a “new” moon) in Gemini. Because Gemini is considered one of the personal signs, the new beginnings inferred by the New Moon have meaning for each of us, not just the collective. The Sun/Moon at 26 degrees oppose the Galactic Center at 26 degrees Sagittarius and suggests new understandings, expansive energy and new perspectives as we are more aligned to the Galaxy and not limited to our solar system. Gemini represents multiple choices, ideas, roles, sources of information.

In addition to the Sun/Moon opposition to the Galactic Center, both points square Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. Neptune can be about illusion (don’t believe everything you think) but also intuition. We might consider where we have been overthinking situations when we could be using higher consciousness instead. As with all New Moons, we can plant seeds; perhaps now that could be the intention to know more when the Sun moves into Cancer signified by the Summer Solstice 6/21 (more on this extremely significant solstice in our next update).

Microplastics in Salt

This may be old news to you, but this is something that has only recently come to my attention. I knew about the problems with microplastics and non-BPA plastic water and food containers, so I am a bit embarrassed I didn’t know about the salt problem because I consider myself quite informed on such topics.

Once it came to my attention, I did a bit of research. Generally speaking, sea salt is the most polluted, followed by lake salt and finally rock salt. The cleanest seems to be Celtic Sea Salt (from France, but NOT the Fleur de Sel, which makes sense since microplastics are less dense than salt so will rise to the top of the harvested salt) and Redmond’s Sea Salt, followed by Pink Himalayan Salt. Then there is bamboo salt, which is supposed to contain no microplastic anymore due to the extreme heating process it has undergone, however it is expensive.

If you prefer to buy local and American, the best sources seem to be from Hawaii and Utah (Redmond’s is from Utah).

There are other factors to consider, and my research was not all encompassing, so you may want to do some due diligence and research for yourself.


On Knife Fighting and Escaping the Matrix

It took me (Jason) about 10 years to get my third degree black belt in Filipino martial arts. It seems like the higher you ascend in the ranks, the clearer it becomes just how little you know!

Some of the training I’ve gotten involves fighting with a knife. That’s not really a “sport,” it’s a combat art. In other words, there’s no goal other than to stay alive.

  • Rule #1 of knife fighting is this: the best way to win a knife fight is to never get into a knife fight.
  • Rule #2 is this: when possible, run away.

Ultimately, NO ONE wins when fighting with knives. This is a wise lesson that also applies to our journey out of the Matrix:

The way you win is to choose not to play. You probably WON’T win their game, because they made it up…and they made it up so you will lose.

This is why we offer the FreedomWorks PMA Service.

We don’t go to battle with the system to demand your “right” to make a living the way you see fit. We simply stop playing their game and start playing another one.

The new game is played within a Private Membership Association where the “Agent Smiths” of the Matrix cannot tread.

Instead of investing energy in trying to change the system, you invest energy in building a new system and then do your work within that. That is what will ultimately change the system.

If you’re tired of playing a game designed for you to lose in your business, creating a FreedomWorks PMA is one option for changing that.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 15

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

Community 1.5

Here are more examples of communities to stimulate your thinking and clarity around the community you mean to create. This is part of a first step in Strategizing a part of your Mission.

Mary Jane Butters created a community based on lifestyle – women who identify with a farming and natural life; using real cotton, sewing, having chickens, dairy cows, aprons, trading recipes and stories, glamping, romanticizing. Employs family (instead of outside advertising agencies); bought flour mill. Magazine encourages sharing among community and expands it.

Josh & Erin – renovated a cabin to provide a place for visitors to spend time in their local West Virginia town; then, they took over a dilapidated main street building and began transforming it into a café for visitors and locals to gather.

Jessica and Miah with partners from Murray McMurray Hatchery are renovating a former hardware store and several surrounding buildings to create South Carolina Mercantile, a coffee and teahouse to bring the community together. They’ll also use these spaces to host classes and community events.

“Framily” in Arkansas is a community of support built on two related families (brother and sister and each of their marriage partners and children) plus nearby unrelated family/friends who help each other build their homes, celebrate birthdays and holidays, share equipment, trade animals, share play spaces for the kids. Not an intentional community, more like a geographical association or neighborhood.

Jill Winger and Christian bought the old soda fountain in their 200+ member town in Wyoming to reinvigorate the area—its economy, gathering place opportunities, and community spirit. “We Bought a 107-year old Soda Fountain in Chugwater WY (202 population).”

Nicole from Flower Hill Farm in Boonville NY and husband Brad purchased abandoned Nursery, refurbished it (with the help of family and friends), and recently held a Grand Re-opening to serve the community with the flowers and veggies and plants the town had so missed.

CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) allow farmers to receive member donations in advance of a season in order to procure seed, propagate plants, prep soil, hire farm staff, purchase equipment, etc. long before harvesting can occur. Serves the purpose of all who participate sharing in the costs including losses due to weather issues or other natural disasters while later receiving the benefits of produce or meat.

Rory Feek expanded his farm to include a performance space to bring together musicians and listeners, a school to integrate children with special needs with those from all walks of life, food grown on his property to support the school.

And then there are the intentional communities of Amish and Mennonites.

This is obviously not a complete list. It’s only meant to inspire and raise the spirit of “if someone else has been able to do it, so can I.”

As Above, So Below – Heart Throb

Venus enters Leo (thus, 0 degrees) on June 5th and will oppose Pluto in Aquarius (0 degrees) for the first time in our lives. The sign of Leo represents the physical Heart, Venus the planet is about Love as the state of being, and Pluto creates the space for transformation (often through death of the old pattern) particularly through Aquarian freedom.

Let us remember that “relationship” is not only how we interact and perhaps bond with others but also refers to the relationship with oneself. Have you ever tried inserting yourself in the love lyrics of a song (replacing the external “lover”) or even referencing Source? It puts a whole new spin on the outward expression (and often longing) towards another and allows us to embrace that loving feeling within. We are provided the opportunity and time to examine our loving being until October as Venus will be in Leo for 5 months due to its retrograde in July.

Masculine Mars preceded Venus into Leo thus championing the path and sparking the energy. The two planets will not experience an exact (same degree) conjunction but nonetheless, will be conjoined more widely through June. In Tarot, this is often symbolized by the Two Lovers card. With the aspect to Pluto at the beginning of this journey (remember, both Venus and Pluto will be at 0 degrees = choice point), one might experience a sort of death of the old state of love then the transformation (phoenix) and choice of something new.

Here’s something we can do to further utilize the energies at this time. Speak the mantra…

“I am welcoming an expanded consciousness of Love.”

“I LOVE it when _________________________________.”

Then broadcast out to the world the frequencies you are creating through the words you have just spoken.

This song clearly depicts what is found in the astrology, namely relationships are not just about another person, but also about a love relationship with oneself, one’s soul, the divine, Source, God… In the Presence Of

WTF is the WEF Doing?

What I am about to share seems so crazy I must preface it by saying this is NOT a joke. These articles prove there is a serious threat against the values and health of all freedom loving people. I implore you to not only read these articles in full, but share them far and wide.

John Kerry: Farmers Must Stop Growing Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’ Goals for ‘Emissions’. “Kerry warned attendees that his and other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers ceasing their operations.” Notice he is only concerned with the world leaders, and not the rest of humanity.

The Irish government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 dairy cows to meet climate targets. “Dutch and Irish politicians have failed to recognize that regenerative farming techniques allow livestock farmers to help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.”

‘Emotion and pain’ as Dutch farmers fight back against huge cuts to livestock. Again on the false pretext that farming is causing a climate crisis, the Netherlands wants to reduce livestock by 30%; only asking farmers to reduce their “emissions” but not other industries. “This is the only country in the world where manure is regarded as a waste product instead of a valuable source of nutrients and soil health.”

In case you have not heard this yet, the institutions promulgating such madness are the global elitists, such as the World Economic Forum. They are not hiding in the shadows anymore, they have stated very publicly their goals, which includes “You will own nothing and be happy“, the masses will be eating insects and mealworms or lab-grown meat (which is actually 25 times worse for the climate than beef), and that humans will be trackable and “hackable” just like a computer or phone via nano-tech and brain chips.

These globalists call their plan “The Great Reset”, which can be summed up in this short seven minute video in which you will hear Yuval Noah Harari (lead advisor to Klaus Schwab and the WEF) say very disturbing things such as “Free will is over” and that the COVID crisis is what allows them to push “surveillance under the skin”. (Skip past the ad for Chillwell that shows at the beginning of this video, this company has a terrible rating by the BBB.)

Did you know that a patent application for a system to test for COVID-19 was filed in 2015? Or that the COVID virus contains DNA which is a 100% match for a sequence patented by Moderna in 2016? This and many more horrid details of the globalists’ plan are outlined in a timeline shown as you scroll down this page. Please note the video at the top of this page is the one mentioned in the previous paragraph.

More on this subject will be forthcoming in future newsletters, such as how this connects with John F. Kennedy and General Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Decoding mRNA in Meat: Essential Insights and Unleashing the Secrets to Budget-Free Meat Marketing

Melissa K. Norris, who is well-known in the homesteading community, talks to Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm (the self-proclaimed “Christian, libertarian, environmentalist, capitalist, lunatic farmer” we featured in our newsletter of 3/25/23) about mRNA in meat–when did it start being given to meat animals, how do we know if it’s in the meat we’re eating, how to find unadulterated meat?

Whether you are growing animals for personal consumption or market or just concerned about sourcing non-contaminated meat, this podcast will provide some good information.

Is It Legal?

The Matrix system is an insidious cancer created to co-opt the life force of humanity. The good news is that the nature of the Matrix doesn’t change the inherent nature of humanity.

Humanity is powerful. YOU are powerful.

The Matrix training creates the illusion that humans are weak by raising them to believe it’s normal to give their power away so that pieces of it can be offered back to them as a reward for “acceptable” behavior:

  • This is what the fiat money system is for.
  • This is what the medical system is for.
  • This is what the legal system is for.

In the Matrix legal system, virtually everything is illegal EXCEPT that which is permitted by license.

  • You need a license to drive…
  • You need a license to practice medicine…
  • You need a license to cut someone’s hair…
  • You need a license for your kids to sell lemonade to neighbors…

When you raise a child within this mind prison, he uses his own life force to strengthen its bars by developing the habit of waiting or asking for permission before doing a thing.

“Is it OK if I do this?” he asks his not so benevolent rulers, requesting permission to be himself. It’s not surprising that one of the questions we get most often about our work at FreedomWorks, where we help people move their livelihood into the protected jurisdiction of a Private Membership Association, is this:

Is it legal?

In order for it to be “legal,” that would mean the very system we are separating from would have to grant explicit permission, via its codes and statutes, for this action to be permitted within its system, within its own jurisdiction.

If you’re a Matrix controller, that would be a dumb move. Why would you grant explicit permission for your prisoners to step out of their prison? If it were “legal,” a Private Membership Association would be worthless, because it would be within the jurisdiction and under control of the very Matrix it makes irrelevant.

So is it illegal then?

This would be like a McDonald’s employ asking if it’s a problem to wear brown pants on Thursday even though Walmart’s corporate bylaws explicitly state that is not allowed. Walmart’s rules have no power over employees of McDonald’s. These are two different jurisdictions. That’s common sense. And so it is with the legal system and the power it has over activities that exist OUTSIDE of that system.

It has no power there. And that’s the point. What people really mean when they ask the “is it legal” question is: Will I get in trouble?

That’s because their conditioning has made that THE logical question to ask. Humans have been trained to only do that which is permitted. They have adopted that standard as the wall of their prison. What someone ELSE says they may do, they can do.

The first step on the PMA journey is to get very clear about who you actually believe is in control of you: Do you want to be a slave or do you want to be free?

It doesn’t matter what you say with your words, the truth is shown in your actions. You can either act free or you can act like you are owned. We each have the power to make the best choice for us.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 14

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

What NOT to Say When You Get Pulled Over

Most people in the “freedom” movement want answers to such practical matters as “How do I handle a traffic stop?” The last thing you want to do is challenge the officer on constitutional grounds, religious beliefs, or claims of sovereignty. The topic in the headline above is explained in a video by a lawyer whose channel is about protecting your rights and handling this and other situations in the best possible way. Once you watch this video other ones from his channel should start appearing in your feed; I found myself watching several in a row.

There are some other more out-of-the-box ways to handle such topics as dealing with code enforcers and other public officials, especially if one has been successful at changing his political status, but the vast majority of people don’t have the requisite knowledge and understanding to utilize these protocols.

One thing that anyone can employ if someone comes knocking on your door (without a search warrant of course), is to politely say please send me your request by mail with your wet-ink signature and I will gladly honor that request. The optimal strategy is to have a fence around your house, with a gate (locked is best), and a Private Property – No Trespassing sign.

If you do get a traffic ticket, a fine, some type of order to perform from any code enforcement officer or public official, or any other legal matter, feel free to set up a private consultation (use code CONSULT50 to save $100) to discuss the options for handling these.

As Above, So Below…and Beyond

The Sun is in a sign (Aries, Taurus, etc.) for approximately one month. As it entered Gemini 5/21, we now reference the time as Gemini season. Gemini is the first Air sign of the astrological cycle. It feels like life is faster (it’s ruler is the fleet-footed Mercury) and changing (mutable quality) as opposed to the Taurus energy which was more stable and sometimes seemed stagnant (fixed qualities). The Gemini glyph symbolizes the twins, essentially two or more choices, sides, options, ideas, plans.

You may have noted that articles we’ve been citing or people we’ve quoted, or communities we’ve mentioned seem to revolve around homesteading and farming. This is in large part because at this time, change and new paradigms are coming from the emphasis of Aquarian themes…revolution from the bottom up rather than top-down; what the People want rather than the centralized government or “Big” corps heralded by Pluto’s venture into Aquarius. There is also an emphasis on agriculture (Taurus) due to the cluster of planets in Taurus particularly Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) whose energy continues to spark Aquarian characteristics of freedom, independence.

Earthquakes, cyclones, and volcanic eruptions continue to grow in frequency and size/magnitude as Uranus moves through new territory (by degrees) in Taurus (Earth). Large earthquake in Panama Colombia M6.6 on 5/25; volcanic eruption in Mexico continues; earthquake activity in western Pacific.

June 3rd at 11:42 pm (ET) marks the Full Moon in Sagittarius. As all full moons high-Light the qualities of the sign occupied, this moon will focus on truth, honesty, natural law, justice, integrity, and belief systems. Sagittarius is also connected to optimism, idealism, and going beyond “what is” to find solutions.

Although we have monthly cycles generally characterized by conjunction of Sun and Moon or opposition of Sun and Moon, this upcoming Full Moon in Sag is a bit of an anomaly in that it is the same degree (13-14) as a phenomenon referred to as The Great Attractor (more discussion at another time). Suffice to say for now, this connection creates a massive portal through which we are drawn seemingly magnetically…a new place in space with different possibilities and perspectives.

So, when some of you say you don’t have vision, can’t see the “future,” it seems important to consider that it wasn’t until the ’90s that we began having an awareness of the Kuiper Belt Objects and the Ort Field. But they’ve always been there. And Phillip Sedgwick discovered The Great Attractor which has always been there. And the photon belt we’re currently in only happens about every 12,000 years but here we are, moving through it now. And, it has been suggested that all of these—-the Universe/Cosmos–are really not OUT there but inside of us, just as our Vision is within us. They all exist in the NOW.

Having Fun Breaking the Consensus Barrier

I have always loved science. As a kid I had a chemistry set and a microscope and built my own crystal radio set; I experimented with and improved upon the gadgets built in my 6 week introductory course in electronics. In college I studied astronomy, physics, microbiology, organic chemistry, physiological psychology, logic and philosophy. My college work-study program morphed into a full-time job in accounting after my daughter was born; this is when I got my first glimpse into the scenes behind scientific research. My conclusion then was the search for truth was frequently eclipsed by the search for grant funding.

Decades later, it has become apparent that the biggest hurdle to scientific discovery is the establishment scientists themselves. For example, after a Scripps Research Institute virologist sent an email to Fauci saying the virus could very well be man-made, three days later he reversed his stance and soon after Fauci rewarded him with a $9 million grant. This extends to many fields of scientific research, which is expounded upon in a very entertaining way by one of my favorite YouTube channels. I look forward to what this channel puts out each week. He started by taking a deep dive into urban legends and “conspiracy” theories in a truly objective manner without having an ax to grind. He does a good job portraying the stories as if they were true, and then examines all the available evidence to see what is corroborated or invalidated. He is now covering many other topics of interest, mostly suggestions from his subscribers. And he does this in a very humorous and enjoyable way; I actually laugh out loud during his presentations. The particular video I mentioned above is both amusing and very informative regarding the topic of scientific consensus; don’t judge it by the title. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


Prenatal Marijuana Use Results in Babies With Lower Weight and Smaller Heads

In an article by Epoch Times reporter Naveen Athrappully, results from several studies are presented that correlate the use of marijuana by women during pregnancy with several natal issues including lower birth weights, smaller head sizes, “adverse pregnancy outcomes related to the placenta,” like stillbirths, poor fetal growth, and a greater risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy.

“With legalization has come increased perception of safety, and research has revealed that many dispensaries have recommended marijuana to pregnant women to ease symptoms of pregnancy, especially morning sickness,” the May 16 study, published at the “Frontiers in Pediatrics” said.

Buy a Fish or Learn to Fish

There are generally two types of organizations that provide offerings to create Private Membership Associations.

There are organizations that sell you a “fish” and there are organizations that teach you to “fish.”

At FreedomWorks, we teach Members to “fish.” That means, we help you create a Private Membership Association (actually an entire Private Mission Society) and also walk with you as you acquire the education, understanding and practical knowledge required to manage that out in the world.

This is a slower, more challenging but ultimately more valuable and rewarding journey because it is an expression that increases your freedom over time.

But it’s a journey that not everyone wants to take.

At FreedomWorks, we believe that “the ultimate path to freedom begins from within each of us before expanding out to the world and beyond.”

So that means our entire organization is structured, not to breed dependence, but to foster independence within the midst of a strong and vibrant community.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team

FreedomWorks Community Update 13

The FreedomWorks Community Update is a complimentary information service for the entire FreedomWorks Community, including PMA Service Members and prospective members. It is our intention that you will take whatever information you find valuable on your journey. Feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel values freedom and wants to actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth.

Make a Donation

Inside This Issue:

Doulas, Doulas Everywhere…

Dedicated to the doulas and midwives in our midst.

“…my chickens live amongst my cows until my feathered girls head to their coop to sleep… Fanci was due to deliver, so I’d been checking on her every few hours during the night for several nights (calf watch). She had the coolest of birthing rooms — clean straw, a night light, food, water, and me, her birth attendant. I was missing a chicken during their nightly shut-up at dusk… Fanci was close to delivery, so I stayed with her until 3 am… And so did her little feathered friend. I took blurry night photos with my cell phone as proof because not only was Fanci’s birth wonderful, her chicken doula was extraordinary. Fanci’s wee friend slept on and off through the night against her back, cooing occasionally when Fanci became uncomfortable and eventually moving in closer when her contractions picked up. She never once startled or tried to leave.”

“…my girls are teaching me that symbiotic relationships are what you make of them. Rather than give-and-take, it’s I’ll give, you give.” From MaryJane Butters in MaryJane’s Farm Magazine June-July 2016.

And, Mary Jane’s story is not an exception. In the following article we see…

Humans Aren’t The Only Ones To Use A Midwife During Birth, Other Animals Do Too

I am reminded of Community and how it can include all of what surrounds us. And, that midwives and doulas and the services they perform to support all aspects of birth occur throughout the natural realm without laws, rules, licenses, certifications.

Heartfelt thanks to you.


Vaccine Treatment Protocol

In a discussion with Roman Balmakov of Epoch Times Facts Matter show, Dr. Robert Malone (physician, biochemist, and vaccine scientist) talks about the dangers of the spike protein in the vax and how to detoxify from it. He traces the missteps taken to create the vax, the false assumptions, the failure to follow the data, and the lack of testing not grounded in scientific principles.

Dr. Malone further points out that the CDC has been withholding information from the public and has actively denied potential risks. He sees the CDC as an agency that has been weaponized via a series of conflicts of interest including being both the approval agency as well as the promoter/marketing agents of the vaccines and drugs.

Finally, Dr. Malone references the FLCCC (frontline doctors) Recovery Protocol he has personally used with great success to detoxify and deal with his personal vaccine damage from the Moderna jab. Some of the presenting issues included hypertension, elevated heart rate, and tinnitus.

FLCCC Recovery Protocol from the FLCCC site

Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2

Of course, any such treatment should be done with under a doctor’s supervision.

If you happen to be subscribed to Epoch Times, or give them your email address, you can watch Malone’s talk here.

As Above, So Below – Zero Degrees = New Considerations

Jupiter’s weightiness and its expansive quality @ 0 degrees of Taurus Squares Pluto @ 0 degrees of Aquarius (freedom) and is applying pressure on us to consider what we are going to do in this new (0 degree) world (Taurus) freed from the constraints of Capricorn and its symbolism of structure, old established paradigms, and centralized top-down power. Mars at 0 degrees of Leo suggests courageous new leadership but this is not only rulers of state, it could be personal leadership, how will you guide, how will you be a servant leader? This is about what’s essential and really matters, not about overthinking. Taking action is not key at this moment; it’s about stopping and assessing.

This is New Soul Territory (Pluto spends about 27 years in a sign) and Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius for about 250 years… Revolution; new Galactic codes are available to us to create and express our energies in the world. And, as discussed last week, a planet at 0 degrees of a sign represents a choice point. This may feel new and risky. Again, tap into your center and tune into your personal nervous system with the Heart Breath. Our Souls are moving us forward; let’s stay conscious and present during this process.

As Jupiter progresses to other degrees, one might experience a bit of relief or release from the tension of the exact square.

The Sun and Moon move into Gemini 5/21 thus further lessening the emphasis of fixed Taurus and opening up communication, choices, and adaptability. We might notice the pace picking up as well since Gemini is an Air sign.

Free is not Freedom

Meet Ron Finley, the “gangsta gardener,” another human living in heroic probability, delivering a powerful message of freedom. He holds dig-ins, not sit-ins. If you want to talk with him or interview him, he requires you bring your shovel. He sees growing food, particularly in unused public spaces like those around sidewalks, as a revolutionary act of freedom. Even though the veggies and fruits that flourish are free to the neighborhood inhabitants, it is the production of the food that leads to freedom. His Mission is compelling, his strategies are clear, simple, and compassionate.

Listen to his Ted Talk here.

Hear what he’s up to now: A Chat with Ron Finley – How Gardening Can Set Us Free!

Free/Into the Mystic

While in college, I played guitar and sang harmony in accompaniment to my boyfriend’s incredible claw hammer banjo at Banjo Fiddle contests (he often took 1st place) throughout California. This was a new genre of music for me—bluegrass was in the spotlight due to the Dueling Banjos featured in the movie Deliverance; but there was also a new blend of folk, country, and blues that transformed what I knew as “twangy” country into sounds with more depth and flow. I wasn’t familiar with the major names in this new segment of music. It was just a thrill to join them on stage for impromptu vocal harmony. I was particularly awed with the fiddle (violins were what I had always known), and from the first string plucks imitating a train’s whistle, “Orange Blossom Special” became one of my all-time favorite tunes…it never fails to energize my spirit. This version features 5 fiddlers each with their own style, even one is a “lefty.” I dare you not to tap your foot.

Right now, I’m particularly enamored with this combo by Zac Brown and his band. I mean, who can resist a performance that starts out with the fiddle opening of “Free” (written by Brown) and gently segues to “Into the Mystic” (Van Morrison) before leaning back into “Free.” Seems so apt for what we’re doing. Listen Here


Never Pay Taxes Again!

Despite what anyone thinks about the nature of “taxes,” should you ever hear anyone mention that a PMA or some other simple freedom process can forever free you from “paying taxes” and that all you need to do is print out a few documents or file some magical form…our best advice is to run.

Human nature is such that SIMPLE SELLS. Easy is popular. And quick is the most attractive of all.

Based on our decades of experience on this journey to freedom, simple, easy and quick are not words that we would use to describe it. If it were any of these things, we’d all be “free” by now.

There ARE powerful solutions available to those who are serious about pursuing freedom, but they all come at a price.

Sometimes that price is paid time. Other times it is paid in money. Other times it is paid in the form of acquiring a level of education and understanding that few possess.

But beware the one who is offering the silver bullet, the only thing you’ll ever need, the quick fix to what is really a very complicated problem.

If it sounds too good to be true, chances are, you need to ask a lot more questions.

If you have questions about the FreedomWorks PMA Service or whether it might be a good fit for the services and/or products you provide, please contact us by replying to this email.

If you are ready to move forward creating a FreedomWorks PMA, you can submit your application here.


The FreedomWorks Team